Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Ice wins again

Today I drove up to Milton for our Wednesday Bible study.

When I got there, R. was in her car and yelled to me: (Jim, stay in your car.)

I take orders well and did.

A few minutes later, G. the Junior Warden arrived. I got out to say "hello" and realized that the parking lot was covered with a glaze of ice.

G. decided nobody should walk on it and sent me home.

He'll have it sanded by Sunday.

Ice--how great thou art!


Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Sunday is back--I hope!

 It looks like we can have church on Sunday--YES!

We've missed the last two and I've not been happy.

I only go to church when I'm celebrating--I've told you that--but missing two Sundays makes me reconsider.

I miss church.

I really do.

So, I hope the weather holds and we can be together in Milton.

I've missed those folks.

Really missed.

I need to get back in the game....

Ice Rules!

 Today I would normally put out the trash and recycling for pickup tomorrow.

Bern has pretty much cleared our walk to the driveway but the walkway to the back porch is iced over. Pulling the trash and recycling out to the front yard would be dangerous.

Besides with a foot or so iced-over snow in the yard, how would I get them away from the walkway and out from under the tree there?

Wait a week for trash and two weeks for recycling. 

We have two recycling bins, so that will work.


Monday, February 17, 2025

Cable is back

 We lost our cable connection sometime on Sunday--no internet, no TV and no phone land-lines.

It finally came back mid-morning on Monday.

It's embarrassing to notice how much we depend on cable....

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Probally a good call

 It's 4 p.m. in Cheshire and is already snowing.

Could be a big storm.

We shall see.

I'll try to remember to pray tomorrow to make up for not having church.

I'm sorry to say, my personal prayer life is not that intense.

Hard to say as an Episcopal priest.

But there it is.

Someday I'll maybe learn if I should have prayed more.


Even that is an odd 'priest confession'.

But confession is, I DO believe, good for the soul.

No church again romorrow

Trinity, Milton is cancelled again tomorrow--two in a row.

Snow turning to a freezing mix is the reason.

So, no sermon again.

And sleeping in is good!


Thursday, February 13, 2025

Valentine Day is tomorrow

 I gave Bern yellow roses today since I didn't think I could get them early enough tomorrow.

I've got a few other things and a card I'll leave in the kitchen tonight since I go to bed later than her.

In September we'll have been married 55 years.

She is not the love of my life--she is my life!

I love her so, so much.

I trust she knows that....

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About Me

some ponderings by an aging white man who is an Episcopal priest in Connecticut. Now retired but still working and still wondering what it all means...all of it.