Monday, January 6, 2025


It snowed today.

Not a lot, just ground cover.

But it's 'cold'.

And you know how I feel about that.

I went out this morning before the snow. I had on a Tee-shirt, a thick sweater, a Kansas City Chiefs jacket and a winter coat.

And I was cold.

But the good news/bad news of the day is that there was no demonstration at the snowy Capital--and Trump was declared the President-elect.

Lordy, Lordy, what will the next 4 years hold?

Mostly stuff I'll feel about the way I feel about the cold!

God help us....


Sunday, January 5, 2025

Work Sunday

 The service at Trinity, Milton today was good.

They have a great musician. 

And, of course, a great priest!

Smaller crowd than usual--probably because of the cold.

But Good Music and a wondrous coffee hour.

I'm on the next two Sundays--which meets my limit of 3 a month.

We're also starting Bible Study up on Wednesday. We were off for December and New Year's Day.

I've missed it.

Very insightful people come, more than willing to share their opinions.

A good hour each week.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

So it's 2025

A New Year today.

I've seen 77 of them and will age a year come April.

Lots of college football, but none I was interested in watching.

I'm waiting for 7 p.m. and Jeopardy. for some reason my favorite show.

Bern always knows more answers than I do--but I'm not jealous.

I love the competition and watching one of the three try to distance themselves from the other two.

And the questions are entertaining in and of themselves.

So, after dinner, that's where I'll be--in the TV room.


Tuesday, December 31, 2024

New Year's Eve

 I can't remember the last time Bern and I went out on New Year's Eve.

I just asked her as she walked by my writing this.

She doesn't know either.

Not my favorite day--not by a long shot.

We go to bed before the ball drops in Times Square.

I'm sure some people enjoy celebrating--just not us.

We don't make New Year's resolutions either.

But we do have Poppin John for dinner on New Year's day.

That's a good thing about today and tomorrow.

But one of few.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Death of a President

 Jimmy Carter died today at 100.

He was a President--but more important he was a humanitarian who worked his whole life to help people less fortunate than he was.

A good man--through and through.

Bless him.

We will miss him greatly.

Sunday off

I was off this Sunday but forgot to tell Bern, so she woke me at 7:30 as she does when I have church.

Undaunted I fell back asleep until 9:22--8 minutes before Trinity's service commences. 

It hasn't been a great off-day. 

As I sometimes do, I lost the ability to swallow for several hours.

On the plus side, I made Brigit--our dog's food.

I looked at my emails--only two of interest.

Then I finished a book by my favorite author, David Rosenfelt. It was his first novel that is out of print but Bern found it for me for Christmas. 

Just a so-so day off....


Thursday, December 26, 2024

Christmas at our house

 We had our son, daughter-in-law and their 3 children--2 seniors in high school and one in 10th grade.

That should tell you how old I am--2 grandkids going off to college!

Lots of great times and food and presents.

I did the 4 p.m. Christmas Eve Service at Trinity, Milton, and preached about 'angel songs'.

One of the members pays a driver to take me up on Christmas Eve--very generous.

The church gave me $250 for Christmas--again, generous.

Seven people make a lot more noise than Bern and I.

The house is quiet again....

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About Me

some ponderings by an aging white man who is an Episcopal priest in Connecticut. Now retired but still working and still wondering what it all means...all of it.