Monday, January 20, 2025

White Day

It snowed last night as predicted, but not as much as the weather people expected.

Three, maybe four inches. But it was so cold that once it fell, it froze, so it was hard to move.

Today was sunny but about 15 degrees.

It was a white, white, white day.

Today is Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Day. We owe him so much. He tried to bring justice and equality to the world. God bless him.

It was also Inauguration Day for the wrong person.

I fear him.

Justice and equality aren't on his agenda.

God help us....


Sunday, January 19, 2025

Annual Meeting Sunday

 Today was the Annual Meeting at Trinity, where I serve part-time.

I've always hated Annual Meetings--too much talk, takes too long, not much happens.

Today wasn't as bad at most.

Reports in writing. Moved along well. Took under and hour.

Not so bad as most.

I wish Annual Meetings were on line....

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Wine and Wisdom

 To be honest, I don't think 'wine' and 'wisdom' are related.

But I drink Pinot Grigio every night. It's the only thing I drink.

I'm not so wise, but I am smart.

My IQ was always about 155.

I do well on on-line tests.

But I am afraid of the next 4 years under Trump.

So afraid.

And not to wise.

More wine than usual, I suspect, to get to 2029--if I live that long.

Shalom. Have a glass of wine....

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Bible Study

At Bible Study today, it bothered some that when Mary told Jesus the wedding in Cana was out of wine, that he called her "woman".

My Bible foot note said it was, in the first century, a term of 'affection and respect".

That gave me the idea for my sermon Sunday.

We will see.

We will see....


Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Full moon and cold

There has been a full moon the last few nights.

I can see it out the window where I'm sitting.

And it will begin to wane now.

Waxing and waning are interesting words.

But it is 10 degrees outside.

Very cold.

I love a full moon and hate the cold.

That's just me.


Monday, January 13, 2025

Lots to do today

I had to go to Big-Y at 10 because the afternoon was busy.

I'm making coconut cod and lobster rolls with salad and potato tots for dinner.

At 2:30 we took Brigit to the Vet.

She's very well. Plus the Vet is a pretty woman.

Then at 3:30 we took Bern's truck to English Auto for a check-up in the morning.

Whew! That's a lot for me on a Monday....

Bern's talking to our youngest grand-daughter on zoom right now and I'm writing this.

Soon, I'll go make dinner.

Then, at 7, my favorite TV show.

Long day for me....


Sunday, January 12, 2025

A good day at church

Things went well at church today.

We did Eucharistic Prayer C--which is my favorite.

Four ladies who used to go to another church did a great coffee hour.

As always, the music from Michael Ford was great.

My sermon was well received and quoted in today's newsletter.

All was well.

All was well.

All was well....



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About Me

some ponderings by an aging white man who is an Episcopal priest in Connecticut. Now retired but still working and still wondering what it all means...all of it.