Sunday, December 22, 2024

My getting scolded...

 I'm sure you've noticed that before you can sign in to this blog, you have to say you with to continue.

Apparently, the Blog Folks find some of my content to be unacceptable.

So they scold me like this....

I'm not even sure what they object to.

I've gone back and read past blogs and besides the word 'fart', I'm not sure what I'm being scolded for.

Ah, well, not the first time I've been scolded!

And, hopefully, won't be the last! 


Friday, December 20, 2024

Advent 4

 This Sunday is the last  one before Christmas.

I wrote my sermon on Mary, the mother of Jesus.

She was a simple woman chosen by God for reasons unknown, to give birth to his Eternal Son.

The Gospel was from Luke--when Mary visits Elizabeth and Elizabeth's baby leaps for join in her womb.

That baby was John the Baptist and though they were both fetuses John knew Jesus was there.

So did Elizabeth. She says, "Why is the mother of my Lord visiting me?"

Quite a story.

An amazing one, at that.

Truly amazing....

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

cold is COLD!

 Sometime during the night on Sunday, our furnace went off.

It was finally fixed by 4 p.m. on Monday--by that time the temperature in our living room was 52 degrees.

As you know from earlier posts, I hate the cold.

Monday was miserable to me.

I stayed in stores some of the day and drove around with my car heater on high.

Finally, by bedtime, it was 68 in the house and all was well.

Cold is COLD!!!

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Church went well today...except....

 The readings today in the bulletin were for Advent 2, not Advent 3.

It messed up things a lot.

But we got through it.

The person who did it apologized and my sermon went well enough.

Things like that happen.

Welcome to my world....

Have a good time here.

Saturday, December 14, 2024


All three lessons before the Gospel use the word 'rejoice'.

So that's what I'm preaching about tomorrow--"rejoice".

I like my sermon but can't share it with you since, being and idiot about technology, I accidentally erased it from my computer....

Truly and idiot.

But not when preaching about 'rejoice'....


Thursday, December 12, 2024

What a dope I am....

 I got the readings for Sunday and realized I've already talked about the Gospel with John the Baptist.

I didn't realize that where it ended last Sunday would continue on, so I talked about what came next--this week's Gospel!

So I  have to write a sermon without the Gospel.

I always preach on the Gospel.

What a mess.

I'll figure it out.

I hope....


Today the views of this blog passed 500,000!

Thanks to you for reading it.

You made half-a-million happen!

I appreciate it so much....


Blog Archive

About Me

some ponderings by an aging white man who is an Episcopal priest in Connecticut. Now retired but still working and still wondering what it all means...all of it.