Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Whoever you were, I want to thank you

Someone who reads this blog sent a letter to Bern with a copy of my Valentine's Day post.

She hadn't read it on-line and was very pleased to read it.

Whoever did that, if you will, send me an email at Padrejgb@aol.com to let me know.

I'd like to thank you personally.

It was a kind and loving thing to do.

People like whoever did that make the world more gracious and loving.

Thank you again.


Monday, February 24, 2025

Almost well

 I went to see my Orthopedic doctor today.

I fell down several months ago and broke my shoulder bone and my thumb.

The thumb is perfectly healed--that I'm typing with all ten fingers shows that.

My shoulder is almost healed. I don't need pain meds in the day and don't wear an Icy-Hot patch any more. I do take 2 pain pills at night.

It sometimes hurts--but not nearly as much as it did before.

He didn't give me another appointment, so he thinks I'll be fine.

He told me that his 4 year old daughter is already reading!

She'll be bored in Kindergarten and First Grade....

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Finally, a little thaw...

 It got almost to 40 degrees today, so some of the ice melted.

Not nearly enough.

But this week is going to be in the 40's almost to 50, so that will help.

I hope so.

I'm tired of snow and ice.

Really tired.

Come on Spring!

But I wore a sport's coat to church and a hoodie the rest of the day.

That's better....

Saturday, February 22, 2025


 My sermon tomorrow is about 'love'.

The collect says that anything we do without love means nothing.

The Old Testament lesson is Joseph welcoming the brothers who sold him into slavery in Egypt to join him--now an important man--and escape the famine in Israel.

Joseph loves those who made him a slave.


But Jesus goes further--"Love those who hate you", he says.

Along with many other difficult commandments.

Love is difficult.

But love is what matters.


Friday, February 21, 2025

The President is driving me crazy

 Trump and Musk are leadig us down an unknown path.

Blaming the wrong side for the war between Russia and Ukrain is bad enough, but firing federal employees for no real reason is worse.

I feel like I'm living in an alternate universe.

Nothing makes sense with what Trump and his loyalists are doing.

I may implode.

I don't know.

What the hell can we do.

Lots of folks--including some Republicans are objecting.

But what's the chance they'll be heard?

God help us!

Really, we need God's help with these idiots....


Thursday, February 20, 2025


 I was looking at You Tube--as I do almost every day and saw a link to me talking about "Under the Castor Oil Tree", my blog!

I have no idea who put it on You Tube--none at all--or Why they did.

But, I showed it to Bern and she was impressed--and she's not easily impressed....

So, I'm a You Tube guy.

Only 11 views in 4 years.

Not so hot a You Tube guy....


Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Ice wins again

Today I drove up to Milton for our Wednesday Bible study.

When I got there, R. was in her car and yelled to me: (Jim, stay in your car.)

I take orders well and did.

A few minutes later, G. the Junior Warden arrived. I got out to say "hello" and realized that the parking lot was covered with a glaze of ice.

G. decided nobody should walk on it and sent me home.

He'll have it sanded by Sunday.

Ice--how great thou art!


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About Me

some ponderings by an aging white man who is an Episcopal priest in Connecticut. Now retired but still working and still wondering what it all means...all of it.