Friday, February 28, 2025

He's lost his mind!

The way our President treated the President of Ukrain today was deplorable. Zelenskyy is an ally, not the enemy.

Russia is the enemy of both countries.

Has he lost his mind?

Been to the grocery store lately?

He was going to bring down food costs, but they have gone up.

And firing the U.S.'s workforce--what evil can that do?

Even MAGA folks are turning on him and Republicans in the Congress,

About time, I would say, but it's too late for that....

God help us.


Thursday, February 27, 2025

Living on the cold side of the street

 Across the street--on the north side of Cornwall Avenue--all the snow has melted in the front yards.

On our side--the south side--front yards are still covered by snow.

I've never figured out why that is--but it always is.

Living on the cold side of the street means it's difficult to put out the trash and recycle bins.

Tuesday I was having trouble getting the recycling up on 5 inches or more of snow. A guy walking down the street came over. He pulled and I pushed and we did it.

What a nice guy. He was walking on the warm side--the only side that has a sidewalk. 

I should have given him a hug--cold as my hug might be.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Dentist yesterday

 I went to a new dentist yesterday.

My dentist for years retired about a year ago. So I needed a new one.'

The woman who cleaned my teeth was wonderful and funny.

But the dentist wanted me to have a 'deep cleaning'. That would require two visits and being numbed each time.

I turned it down.

I'm 77--how many decades do I have left.

My teeth will be fine until I'm not....


Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Whoever you were, I want to thank you

Someone who reads this blog sent a letter to Bern with a copy of my Valentine's Day post.

She hadn't read it on-line and was very pleased to read it.

Whoever did that, if you will, send me an email at to let me know.

I'd like to thank you personally.

It was a kind and loving thing to do.

People like whoever did that make the world more gracious and loving.

Thank you again.


Monday, February 24, 2025

Almost well

 I went to see my Orthopedic doctor today.

I fell down several months ago and broke my shoulder bone and my thumb.

The thumb is perfectly healed--that I'm typing with all ten fingers shows that.

My shoulder is almost healed. I don't need pain meds in the day and don't wear an Icy-Hot patch any more. I do take 2 pain pills at night.

It sometimes hurts--but not nearly as much as it did before.

He didn't give me another appointment, so he thinks I'll be fine.

He told me that his 4 year old daughter is already reading!

She'll be bored in Kindergarten and First Grade....

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Finally, a little thaw...

 It got almost to 40 degrees today, so some of the ice melted.

Not nearly enough.

But this week is going to be in the 40's almost to 50, so that will help.

I hope so.

I'm tired of snow and ice.

Really tired.

Come on Spring!

But I wore a sport's coat to church and a hoodie the rest of the day.

That's better....

Saturday, February 22, 2025


 My sermon tomorrow is about 'love'.

The collect says that anything we do without love means nothing.

The Old Testament lesson is Joseph welcoming the brothers who sold him into slavery in Egypt to join him--now an important man--and escape the famine in Israel.

Joseph loves those who made him a slave.


But Jesus goes further--"Love those who hate you", he says.

Along with many other difficult commandments.

Love is difficult.

But love is what matters.


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About Me

some ponderings by an aging white man who is an Episcopal priest in Connecticut. Now retired but still working and still wondering what it all means...all of it.