Wednesday, July 14, 2010

things I notice

I often view the posts I make and lament the spelling and grammar errors I didn't catch until I clicked on publish.

But, thought I've viewed the masthead dozens and dozens of time, I never noticed my name was "fr. jim bradley" before just now.

I wonder what the 'fr.' means? Is it a shortened form of 'from'?

Of course I know it means "Father"! I'm not that addled yet. I just am non-observant and never noticed it before.

But I'm pretty sure I've never once written my name with 'Father' or even 'Fr.' before my name.

And I don't use the little cross after my name that lots of priests do. In a hand written signature it sometimes looks interesting to make a cross after your name. But I sometimes get emails from priests that are signed "Don Priest +". That, I think (and it's obviously just me talking) looks silly as hell. But what do I know

Bishops get to put the cross in front of their name. +The Rt. Rev. Mostly that.

Bishops, in my memory, though it is a small sampling since very few bishops ever email me...but in my memory bishops invariably put a '+' in front of their email 'signature'. Most priests who email me don't put a '+' after their name.

That's something to ponder, but I don't know where it would lead you....

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some ponderings by an aging white man who is an Episcopal priest in Connecticut. Now retired but still working and still wondering what it all means...all of it.