Wednesday, July 26, 2023

African Bible Study

 Today at the Wednesday group at Trinity, Milton, we used a method called African Bible Study.

The method was given to the bishops of the church by a group of African bishops.

There's an opening prayer about the Bible to 'read, mark and inwardly digest' the wisdom there.

Then you read a passage of scripture, slowly. I chose the raising of Jairus' daughter from Matthew.

Then people ponder for a while and answer a question about what phrase struck them.

Then the passage is read again from another translation and a question is asked about what occurred to them during hearing the passage.

Ponder then respond.

The passage is read a third time from yet another translation and the question is asked, "what is God telling you to be or do?"

Ponder, the respond.

Then you pray for 5 minutes for the person on your right and then saky the Lord's Prayer.

The 6 people liked it enough to be willing to try it again in a week or two.

It is an interesting process and can be done by yourself alone, reading, asking and responding.

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some ponderings by an aging white man who is an Episcopal priest in Connecticut. Now retired but still working and still wondering what it all means...all of it.