Monday, June 15, 2009

Let not your hearts be troubled...

So Scott Moore's guy actually healed my computer--raised it from the dead is more accurate. And saved everything I was afraid I'd lose--over 200 sermons, a lot of poems, short stories, stuff like that. At first I thought it was gone--which would have been my fault and I would have, after whining and sniffling for a while, gotten over. But lo and behold they had created a new heaven and new earth called "Drive D" and there was everything I had already began to mourn. I never knew there could be a Drive D--it must drive Scottzo (which is what I call him) crazy that I have not an earthly clue about computers. But then, does he know what the Manichean heresy is or can he explain why it was J/E/P and D that wrote the Pentateuch instead of Moses?

I've never asked Scott if he minds me calling his Scottzo. I probably should. Someone offhandedly and with no mean purpose called me "Jimmy" the other day and I actually snapped at them: "No body but my mother calls me 'Jimmy' and she's dead..."

Anyway, the system now installed on my computer has an icon to allow you to play Hearts. I've always loved card games and become super competitive about them. So now an evil spirit causes me to click on 'hearts' and play for long periods several times a day when I'm home. Of all the 'games' in the universe--at least the 'known universe', which is earth, after all--baseball is the most nearly perfect game. I could write several posts about that and may. But hearts would come in second.

You either want them all--the 13 hearts and the Queen of Spades--or none of them...or one of them if someone else is about to get them all. And the deuce of clubs always leads and you can't throw a heart or the Queen on that round. And you 'pass right/pass left/pass across and don't pass at all in each four hands. Lots of strategy, lots of things to think about. Then how to discard on each round is another test of memory, reason and skill (as Prayer C in the BCP says). I love to play hearts and am now officially addicted to playing with Ben, Pauline and Marsha--my computer generated opponents. I haven't started playing on line with real people yet--though that's an option. When I do I'll write about it and someone needs to plan an intervention.

Ponder, if you wish, what obsesses and addicts you. But then, you may not want to know. I hadn't played hearts for years until it showed up on my computer. I'd forgotten how much I loved it and how irresistible it was to me....

But, until I start playing real people on line, don't let my Hearts be troubled. Just don't expect me to answer your email immediately--I'm playing hearts with Ben and Pauline and Marsha...

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Practice makes perfect

So, my poor computer, much mishandled and mismanaged by me, had to go to rehab and I haven't posted a blog for a long time. Several people reminded me that I wasn't writing, which astounded me since I didn't realize anyone was reading!!!

I made a list of things I wanted to write about over the last few weeks and, not unsurprisingly, lost it....But here is something I've been sitting under my own withered castor oil tree pondering....

A distinction between the great world faiths is this: People ask Jews if they are "practicing"...same with Buddhists and Muslims. I think the same question would make sense to Hindus and Taoists. That about covers the map except for less well know faiths and religions of particular cultures. And here's the distinction I'm pondering--Christians are NOT asked if they are "practicing" their faith--they are asked if they are "believing" Christians.

I find a remarkable difference between "practicing" something and "believing" it. Doctors "practice" medicine and lawyers have a "practice" of the law. The question of 'belief' doesn't much enter into those professions. Artists, as well, 'practice' their vocations. No one ever asks what a dancer 'believes' about 'dance'. And writers are not asked if they 'believe' in their novel--what we appreciate in art of every kind is how it is performed, how well it is practiced.

Christianity, it seems to me, would do well to begin to focus more on the 'practice' of the faith rather than what we 'believe' about various doctrines, creeds and dogmas.

As a seminarian at Christ Church, Capitol Hill in Washington DC, I was asked to lead an adult class in the Nicene Creed. I began by giving a history of how the Creed was developed and 'why' it was developed--more to 'exclude' certain beliefs than to give a standard for practicing belief. Then I said, "I'm going to start reading the Creed, raise your hand when you have a question or a comment." Then I said, "I believe in God," and half of the 20 or so people there raised their hands!

There's a line from the musical HAIR that says, in paraphase, "It doesn't matter if I believe in God, does God believe in me...."

All those people who raised their hands were 'good Christians'--they practiced their faith. They simply didn't understand what this 'belief stuff' had to do with much of anything.

When someone asks me why there are so many Christian denominations I always respond, accurately, I think--"because we BELIEVE different things...."

What if we defined 'being a Christian' by our behaviour and 'practice' instead of creeds and doctrine? Why, after all, does it matter if you or I 'believe' in the Trinity? I don't even know, after 30 years of priesthood, exactly what there is about the Trinity to 'believe' or 'not believe'. It seems like a pleasant and companionable way to view God, but if you have a problem with the Incarnation or the Atonement (I DO with the latter--and scarcely think about the former) but still 'practice' the Christian life, what is the issue with that?

A member of the parish told me before being received into the Episcopal Church that she wasn't sure she believed in the Divinity of Christ--she was fine with the Creator and the Holy Spirit but the whole "Jesus is God" part confounded her. I asked her what day it was and she told me Thursday and I responded, "Thursday is one of the days I have trouble with that as well...." So she was received and 'practices' Christianity in a profound and graceful way to this day.

Islam has a bad name--as it probably should in some ways--but the 'practice' of Islam deserves our honor and appreciation. Say the Prayers, give to the poor, care for others, keep the fast of Ramadan, take no 'interest', do no harm--that about sums up the 'practice of Islam'. Not a bad way to live a life. The "problem" in Islam is when it comes to the differing 'beliefs' of the Sunni and the Shiites that causes their internal struggle and results in terrorist, fundamentalist 'beliefs'.

Same with us. All Christians should mourn, repent and feel shame in what we have done in the name of Christ and what we 'believe' that means. Asking someone "do you practice your faith?" is a much different question than asking "Do you BELIEVE...." (whatever....)

What would the 'practice' of Christianity look like? Pretty simple, I believe. It would look like the last five questions of the Baptismal covenant in the Book of Common Prayer. The first three ask us to 'believe' this and that about the Trinity. Well, alright, if we must. The last five are the ones that bring us into a 'practice' of our faith. Here they are:

Will you continue in the apostles' teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of the bread and the prayers?
Will you be in community with others who practice what they preach and be a part of common worship and pray, however you do that?

Will you persevere in resisting evil, and, whenever you fall into sin, repent and return to the Lord?
Will you oppose the oppression and sin of this world and when you participate in it be honest with yourself and with God?

Will you proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ?
That good news is this--compassion, kindness, love, love, love--will you live and speak out of those things/

Will you seek and serve Christ i all persons, loving your neighbor as yourself?
Will you acknowledge that every single human being is made in the image of God and treat them as you would treat God--with that respect, support and honor?

Will you strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being?
In your family, your community, your nation, your world, will you honor and champion the outcasts and everyone you meet, know and will never meet or know as children of your God?

In the liturgy (the way we 'practice' Christianity by worshipping together) the answer to all those questions is "I will, with God's help." And God knows we need His/Her help in doing any of this, in practicing our faith in a way that matters and makes a difference in the world. And those questions form the way to 'practice' rather than 'believe'. And Christians and everyone of the planet would be better off if we all sought to 'practice' those practices rather than 'believe' in some stuff dreamed up in the 4th century. That's what I think anyway.


As I sit under the castor oil tree, that simply seems to be an improvement on how we do it now. But it's just me thinkin'....Why don't you ponder it as well?

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

missing this

I haven't posted a blog (is that the right language? I don't understand most of this) because my computer is hopelessly, perhaps fatally flawed and has been in other hands for a while and I haven't found the opportunity to use the church's computer.

I'll be back, promise....if anyone is out there wondering....

I'm missing this. JIM

Thursday, May 14, 2009

One more cut about 'meaning'...

OK, nothing I am writing is 'the truth' and there is no reason in heaven or on earth that you should "believe" it. I'm just asking you to consider it.


Deep breath. Consider and ponder that for a while.

If you consider that ALL REALITY IS CREATED BY WHAT WE SAY ABOUT IT then you might become aware of a possibility to create a reality that is different than what you 'said' by saying another thing about it. Example: "you looked at me 'funny'" can become, "I saw you looking at me", which opens doors previously locked with the key thrown away.

What if, just 'what if', we can create a reality that wouldn't exist otherwise just by being open to what we 'say about it'?

Stuff happens....that is the experience of life...and if we are aware (I'm humbling suggesting) that the 'meaning' of the stuff that happens isn't in the stuff that happens but in our 'saying something about it', our interpretation of it...and if we hold "what happens" as something we have a say in defining but realize our 'definition' isn't 'the truth'....What difference would that make in the way we live and move and have our being in this world?

If "Language IS reality", what if we became aware of that and realized that 'what we say' is, merely 'what we say' and not THE TRUTH...if all that were a possibility, what difference would it make to us day by day as we live on into the mystery of living and toward the Lover of Souls?

Pondering is all this is about. All this is about is Pondering....

so, why does 'meaning' matter anyway?

Most everyone lives out of, into, against and in favor of what they think things "mean".

"You looked at me 'funny', so I didn't talk to you...." A almost silly example of how we assign 'meaning' to something and then live as if the 'meaning' we made up in language were 'the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.' A gnat flew in her eye...she had a sudden pain in a tooth, the light confused her...that's 'just the way' her face looks and 'looking funny' becomes an interpretation of 'what happened' that we consider to be 'the truth', rather than an interpretation we made.

Carl Sagan, the scientist, was giving a lecture and at the Q/A session a little old lady stood up and said, "Dr Sagan, you can go on and on about the cosmos, but I know that the earth rests on the back of an enormous turtle."

The Professor replied, "And what does that turtle rest upon?"

"An even more enormous turtle," the woman cried out.

"And that one, the more enormous turtle, what does it rest upon?" Sagan asked.

"Don't quibble with me," she said, "You know it's 'turtles all the way down'!"

For we human beings, it is INTERPRETATION "all the way down". Meaning is what we say it is, never mind the evidence or objective reality of stuff.

The reason "Meaning" matters is that we 'MAKE IT UP" and name it and pretend that what we said about it means it is 'turtles all the way down'.

That's more comfortable than living in a universe where 'what happens' is 'meaningless'. So we declare the 'meaning' and live as if that is what's so about the matter. Problem is, it is only what 'we said' about it and others will 'say' different things about it.

A breakthrough of monumental importance would be if we could all take a deep breath and step back and realize that 'what happens' is only, always, exactly 'what happens', devoid of 'meaning' and recognize that what we say it 'means' is really ONLY what we said and not the Truth.

More about this later, if you can stand it and suffer through the languaging of it all.


Ponder that under your own little Castor Oil Tree--LANGUAGE IS ALL....What if that is so? What choices and possibilities does knowing that give us that we didn't have before when we thought 'what we said about it' was 'the Truth'? Too obscure yet? Just wait....

some thoughts about 'meaning'

There is a story about an interview with three baseball umpires about calling balls and strikes, which, if you know baseball at all, is one of the key parts to the game.

The first umpire, very new at his job said: "I call them like they are...."

He believed he was observing and correctly naming the 'meaning' of balls and strikes.

The second umpire, who had some experience, said: "I call them like 'I seem them'..."

He acknowledged that 'meaning' of balls and strikes depended, not on some objective reality, but on his opinion about what was a ball and what was a strike. He left room for his interpretation to influence what was the 'meaning'.

The third umpire, a hardened veteran of many years, said this: "They ain't nuthin' until I call them...."

He brings me to the place I want to be. "Meaning" is 'what we say it is'. We create and name 'meaning' in our language about it.

Does that mean there is no 'meaning' outside of what we call it? Well, the first two umpires give different possibilities. We can "know" meaning when we see it. We can interpret 'meaning' and hope to get it right. Each of us is somewhere on that spectrum.

But, just to ponder under your particular Castor Oil Tree--what if, what just if, "meaning" is only and always what we 'say it is'?

What if 'meaning' is not a function of what happens but what we 'say about' what happens? Where does that leave us....Ponder on....

Meaning doesn't exist until we language it. It isn't a ball or a strike until we 'say so'?

How may mourings and settled realities would that knock loose and over?

What DOES "meaning" mean?

something to ponder under the tree

When I started all this I framed it within the paradigm of Jonah sitting under the Castor Oil tree pondering Nineva.

In one of Kurt Vonnegut's novels, he invents a religion called, I think, Bonkonoism. At any rate, the creation story of that religion is this: God looked at all the mud and made some of it sit up and live. And the mud that sat up said to God, 'what does this mean?' And God answered, 'It has to mean something?' The mud that said up said, 'of course it does!' And God said, 'I'll leave that to you....' And God went away.

Something like that.

And something to consider under your own personal Castor Oil tree.

What does 'meaning' mean? Where does it come from? Why do we need it?

Before the worm eats your tree, ponder that....

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About Me

some ponderings by an aging white man who is an Episcopal priest in Connecticut. Now retired but still working and still wondering what it all means...all of it.