Friday, August 4, 2023

Waiting for the rain

 It's supposed to rain a lot tonight.

We're still waiting.

It's been cloudy all day, so every time I leave the back deck after reading for a while, I bring the cushions from my deck chair back to the porch.

Bern is talking to our granddaughter, Eleanor, who lives with our daughter and son-in-law in upstate New York, and they've had one storm already.

But we're still waiting.

I take Brigit out to pee at 8:30 or 9 p.m. and she hates the rain. Hopefully there will be a break long enough for us to go out.

But we're still waiting.

Thursday, August 3, 2023

This Sunday's Sermon


          Today, as you have doubtless figured out, is the Feast of the Transfiguration.

          We celebrate both Jesus transfiguration and Moses’ as well.

          You can’t be around God without being changed in some wondrous ways.

          Before writing this sermon, I looked up ‘transfigure’ in the dictionary. Here’s what Merriam-Webster told me:

          “Transfigure=transform, metamorphose, transmute, convert, transmogrify. Transfigure means to change a thing into a different thing. Transform implies a major change in form, nature or function. Metamorphose suggests an abrupt or startling change indeed if by magic or supernatural power.

          To give a new and typically exalted or spiritual appearance: transform outwardly and usually for the better.

          Transfigure has 33 synonyms.”

          That’s more than I needed to know!

          After God gave Moses the 10 Commandants, Moses’ face was shining so much that the leaders didn’t want to look at him or be with him. He had to cover his face with a veil most of the time.

          Jesus’ transfiguration was more than just his face appearance—though that did change. His clothes turned ‘dazzling white’ and two men were with him—Moses and Elijah, the disciples thought.

          Peter wanted to put up a structure to commemorate the moment, but a cloud descended on them and they were ‘terrified.

          Then God’s voice spoke to them and called Jesus “my son, my Chosen” and told them to listen to him.

          Luke tells us the disciples ‘kept silent and told no one any of the things they had seen.’

          That may have been true in those days, but the lesson from 2nd Peter today is Peter writing about the day of Transfiguration. He gets God’s words a little different from Luke but it had been years and, I don’t know about you, but my memory doesn’t serve to get past events right!

          So, the question to ponder is this—What Transfiguration does God have in mind for you? How does God want to transform you?

          The churches I grew up in—first the Pilgram Holiness and then a Methodist church that was more evangelical than those in New England—they had an answer: God wants to save your soul!

          I may have told you this: When I was in the 9th grade, I went to a Methodist revival meeting and the preacher scared me so bad I went up to the altar rail and he laid hands on me and told me I was ‘saved’.

          The next Monday in math class, the teacher, who was my father’s sister-in-law, told the class, “Jimmy was saved this weekend.” I was so embarrassed I dropped my pencil and when I bent down to pick it up, I looked up Donna Comber’s dress.

          “Oh, no,” I thought, “it didn’t take!”

          Episcopalians look at it differently. God wants us to do God’s work in this world—clothe the naked, feed the hungry, help to poor, welcome the friendless and don’t look down on anyone.

          You folks at Trinity do a good job of all that.

          But ponder for a moment what else God might want from

          You folks at Trinity do all that and more, but ponder for a few moments what else your transfiguration might involve.

          Ponder being transfigured….

          Amen and amen.


Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Burial for Bird

 I buried the dead bird to the left of our front porch, near the driveway.

I said a silent prayer for the bird and all dead animals.

Then I covered the bird with dirt.

Still a heart-breaking moment.

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Dead Bird

I went out this morning to go to the grocery store and found a dead bird on our front porch.

It was dark colored and not as large as a robin or cardinal.

I'm no expert but I think it was a cat bird.

I felt awful and put it up on the bannister to bury later. 

I don't like to find dead things--especially dogs and birds.

It breaks my heart. 

Thursday, July 27, 2023


I don't mind flies outside--that's their world.

 But in our house? That's a different story.

The last few days Bern has killed 9 or 10 flies and I've killed 3 or 4.

Stay out of our house, insects!

You'll meet your Maker here!


Wednesday, July 26, 2023

African Bible Study

 Today at the Wednesday group at Trinity, Milton, we used a method called African Bible Study.

The method was given to the bishops of the church by a group of African bishops.

There's an opening prayer about the Bible to 'read, mark and inwardly digest' the wisdom there.

Then you read a passage of scripture, slowly. I chose the raising of Jairus' daughter from Matthew.

Then people ponder for a while and answer a question about what phrase struck them.

Then the passage is read again from another translation and a question is asked about what occurred to them during hearing the passage.

Ponder then respond.

The passage is read a third time from yet another translation and the question is asked, "what is God telling you to be or do?"

Ponder, the respond.

Then you pray for 5 minutes for the person on your right and then saky the Lord's Prayer.

The 6 people liked it enough to be willing to try it again in a week or two.

It is an interesting process and can be done by yourself alone, reading, asking and responding.

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

The bear

I was almost at the last hill before getting to Litchfield this Sunday when a black bear crossed the road in front of me.

I slammed on the brakes and didn't hit it and it ran up the hill on the right side of the road.

Freaked me out!

I almost hit a bear!

I didn't tell anyone at church about it because I didn't want to jinx my trip back to Cheshire and foxes.

And it took me a day to even tell Bern.

What a weird, almost out-of-body experience.

A bear!!!

My Lord!!!


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About Me

some ponderings by an aging white man who is an Episcopal priest in Connecticut. Now retired but still working and still wondering what it all means...all of it.