Friday, March 29, 2013

Good Friday

I sandwiched in the Good Friday Liturgy at St. Andrew's in Northford between picking up my two children at Union Station in New Haven.

Mimi came at 2 p.m., Good Friday was at 7 and I picked up Josh at 9:40 p.m. Cathy and the three extremely beautiful, astonishingly smart granddaughters and Sumi, the dog, came while I was away reading the Passion from John in Northford. Tim comes on the train tomorrow, then all will be well.

On the way from St. Andrew's to Union Station to get Josh, two frightening things happened.

First, four cars careening through traffic passed me on I 91 about 20 miles faster than my 75. I actually thought they were racing each other. I told Josh about it and he said he'd heard of such races. Frightening.

More frightening though, was the guy parked in front of me near Union Station who put money in the meter using his smart phone. People racing on a public road, I can understand. Using a Smart Phone instead of coins, I can't. I also noticed, as I inserted quarters, that the meters down there would accept a credit card.

Maybe I've lived too long, too many Good Fridays. Put credit cards and smart phones in parking meters just aren't in my reality.

The trips back to Cheshire with Mimi and then Josh reminded me how wondrous it is to have actual. grown up adults as children.

And when Josh and I got home at 10 something, the girls were still up and still beautiful, smart and charming beyond belief....

Tomorrow a full day of children and grandchildren and significant others.

New life is what this time of year is about, right?

I'm doing good, riding high, loving it all, right now....a very GOOD Friday over all....

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some ponderings by an aging white man who is an Episcopal priest in Connecticut. Now retired but still working and still wondering what it all means...all of it.