Friday, September 13, 2024

I only recently knew...

 I hadn't realized until an hour of so ago that this was Friday the 13th.

I'm not superstitious, so it doesn't matter that I didn't know.

Hope your Friday the 13th was as uneventful as mine was.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Haitians eat dogs

The presidential debate was a walk off win for Kamala!

No doubt about it....

Trump's 'dog eating' outburst would have been enough. But he avoided and lied over and over.

And the split screen showed us all Kamala's reactions to what he was saying.

It was wonderful and poetic.

She laughed and frowned and put her hand on her chin and shook her head in amazement. 

Quite a contrast between the two.

Don't eat your neighbor's dogs...alright?


Monday, September 9, 2024


 We had a big crowd at Trinity, Milton, yesterday.

St. Michael's in Litchfield's Rector is suspended--no one seems to know the story--so a bunch of their parishioners came to Trinity for communion.

43 people! We average around 22, so it seemed like a lot of folks.

The music was wonderful--as always, since our musician is go good. How this little church has him is beyond me--he could be anywhere in the Diocese! But some of St. M's choir were in the congregation and they added a lot to the singing.

Lots of people thanked me for my John's Jesus vs. Mark's Jesus sermon.

Maybe they were just being polite...or maybe something showed up for them they weren't expecting. Who knows?

Bill reported it all on our on-line newsletter. He's really great!

If you'd like to be on his list let him know at

You won't regret it.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

What I'll say Tomorrow

 We've been reading John's Gospel for weeks. I enjoyed it.

But last week we shifted to Mark--and I don't like it.

What I'll do tomorrow is contrast Mark's Jesus with John's Jesus.

You see, Jesus is different in all four gospels.

Mark was the earliest and shortest of the Gospels. It was written around 70 A.D.--given life spans then and there, about a generation after the life of Jesus.

John was written another generation later--somewhere around 110 A.D.

John's Jesus knows everything--who he is, what he's going to do, who will betray him, how he will rise from the dead.

Mark's Jesus is just learning as he goes along.

John's Jesus takes his time. Mark's Jesus is always moving--the word that can be translated "immediately" occurs 40 times in Mark.

John's Jesus wants everyone to know about him. Mark's Jesus tries to stay secret.

Lots of other stuff will come in.

We'll see how it goes.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

54 years!!!

 Today is our wedding anniversary.

Bern and I have been married 54 years.

Amazing in the face of so many divorces we all see.

It's over 2/3 of Bern's and my lives

We were 20 and 23 when we married.

Now we are 74 and 77.

I can hardly believe it.

But it is true!

Happy Anniversary to us......


Wednesday, September 4, 2024


 I am a 'yellow dog Democrat'.

What that means is if a yellow dog was running against an upstanding, moderate Republican--I'd vote for the yellow dog!

The Presidential election is absolutely the most important one in a hundred years.

Trump and Vance stand for everything I oppose.

Kamala and Tim aren't quite as liberal as I wish--but they stand for everything our country needs.

Not a hard decision.

Vance being booed by a labor union is enough...isn't it?

And Trump being obsessed about crowd size is crazy since he is losing on that at every turn.

So what do they stand for?

Division and name-calling and avoiding issues.

That's what.

Harris and Walz--that's who our country needs....

No doubt!

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About Me

some ponderings by an aging white man who is an Episcopal priest in Connecticut. Now retired but still working and still wondering what it all means...all of it.