Saturday, December 3, 2022

Jail Him Up! Jail Him Up!

To use a variation of the former President's call about Hillary, things are looking bad for him right now.

In New York, Washington and Georgia, he could be facing trials that would lead to--yes, Jail.

And it's time.

He has created tax fraud, stolen classified documents and tried to interfere with an election.

And in the last day he has suggested over-ruling the Constitution to reinstate him as President.

It's time, my friends, to Jail Him Up!

Let me know if you disagree.


Friday, December 2, 2022

I join Bern

I tested 'positive' for Covid today. Joining Bern.

I feel ok, just too chilly and tired and without much appetite.

Bern's several days ahead of me.

Luckily I won't be going to church again until Dec. 18. That should be enough time to recover and not be a spreader.

Keep us both and Eleanor in your thoughts and prayers.

Thank you.

Be safe, my friends.


Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Time moves on

 As of today, I am still negative for Covid.

Bern coughs a lot but feels better than yesterday.

And time moves on.

Hershel Walker, just like Dr. Oz, was criticized for not really living in the state where he is running for Senate.

When will Republicans regain their sanity?

And time moves on.

It rained hard and long today in CT.

We are saturated to the bone.

And time moves on.

Hopefully the rail strike can be avoided by acts on Congress.

Though I am a big supporter of unions.

And time moves on.

I will miss church this Sunday and next because of precautions about the virus.

And I will miss being there and the folks there and the music there.

But time moves on....

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Bad news today

 Bern tested positive today for the virus.

I'll get tested tomorrow though I feel fine.

I canceled my celebration on Sunday and I believe my friend, Michael, who used to work with me at St. John's, will do the service.

I'll cancel next week's Wed. and Steve is scheduled to lead morning prayer the next Sunday, so by then I'll be fine to return to church.

Bad times.

Keep Bern and I and Eleanor and Tim and Mimi in your prayers.

Prayers may not stop Covid, but they can lessen it's effects.

Be well and stay well, my friends.

And stay away from me for a while.

Monday, November 28, 2022


 My COVID test came back negative!

I still canceled my Wednesday class since the room we hold it in makes social distancing impossible.

And I will get tested again before Sunday.

But I am relieved....

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Waiting to know

 Though Advent is all about "waiting"--waiting is a pain in the ass.

We learned Saturday afternoon, when Mimi called, that Eleanor tested positive for Covid when they got home from their visit here.

Since they came on Wednesday afternoon it's tomorrow afternoon that I can test. (You wait 5 days after exposure.)

I did church today but sat in the chancel alone--the crucifer and chalice bearer sat in the first row. I blessed the bread and wine before the service without touching it with the Junior Warden as my witness.

In the Episcopal Church you cannot consecrate without a witness.

I wore a mask when I wasn't talking and sometimes when I was and left before the postlude so people wouldn't be near me.

All that was what the Wardens and I came up with as a plan.

A layperson distributed the bread and another the wine.

And I'm anxious, waiting until tomorrow to test myself.

Keep me in you hearts and hope the test is negative.

I sure do....

Saturday, November 26, 2022

This week's sermon


Advent I 2022


                   “Hello Darkness, my old friend,

                   I’ve come to talk with you again.

                   Because a vision softly creeping,

                   left its seeds while I was sleeping,

                   and the vision that was planted in my brain

                   still remains—within the sounds of silence.”

                                       --Simon and Garfunkle


          If you are of a certain age—oh, like mine, for example—the words of that song may act like a memory magnet. Of course, if you remember the 60’s and 70’s you weren’t really having a good time….


          But as I’ve thought about today’s readings and about the beginning of Advent, that song kept appearing and reappearing in my mind and heart.


          Advent is a time of “darkness”, a time of “visions”, a time of “sleeping” and a time of “silence”.

          Each day of Advent has less light than the day before. Each day is only a few minutes darker—but by the time Advent is ending the effect is startling. As we wait for the Christchild we are waiting in the darkest time of the year. And Darkness—for all the fear it brings—can be a dear and valuable friend.


          Advent is a time chock full of “visions”.  Isaiah, in today’s reading, sees a vision of the new Jerusalem descending to the mountain of the Lord. He sees visions of peace and visions of the end of war. He sees visions of a time of unity among all nations and a time of learning to walk God’s path and not our own—a time of walking in the Light….

          Paul’s vision in Romans is the vision of LOVE replacing the LAW—a vision of compassion and caring for the well being of others taking away the need for rules and regulations. Paul’s vision is one of walking in the Light….

          Then there is Jesus’ “vision” from Matthew’s gospel—a vision of the coming of the Son of Man. It is a vision of sudden judgment and sure distress—and yet, even in that vision, God comes to gather the children at an unexpected time….


          Advent is a time of darkness and visions and sleeping.

          The earth is falling asleep. The trees are bare, the flowers are dead, the animals are nesting and the ground is freezing. The air chills us and the moon and stars shine brightly, larger than usual, in the cold sky. It is a time to sleep through the long night and dream of the Light.


          Advent is a time of silence. Think about it. The insects are asleep. Many of the birds are gone. Night comes quickly and stays long so many of the sounds of the day go missing early. And, it seems to me at least, the cold, heavy air muffles the sounds that are left. Silence, like a blanket, falls over us during Advent.

          Human beings are not creatures that appreciate silence and darkness. We long for light and sound. Advent tends to make us anxious. No one likes to “wait”—and Advent is all about “waiting”—and most of us fear the dark and fill our lives with noises. So Advent…a time of “waiting” in the darkness and the silence…well, it is problematic for most of us most of the time.


          And there is this: it is in darkness that we discover the secret places of our soul and it is in silence that we begin to hear the voice of God. Darkness and silence force us to “be alone”—and in that “loneliness” we discover our deeper selves AND that we are not, ultimately, alone.

          Advent is a time to experience darkness and silence—lean into them, embrace them. And it is not something we do gladly or willingly. It is something we must practice.


          Do me a favor—if you would. Close your eyes and keep them closed.

          See how close darkness always is?

          And now—eyes still closed—I’m going to stop talking for a moment….

          See how close silence always is?


          We are waiting, we are waiting, in a dark and silent place…we are waiting….

          But in our waiting, as we touch the darkness and the silence, we come to know we are not alone

          Others are waiting with us….We are not alone…without opening your eyes, simply sense the people who are with you…those here and those in your heart….

          And beyond that, there is Another who waits with us…deep, deep in our hearts, God waits with us…in the darkness and the silence…there is God….

          The New Jerusalem is coming….the Son of Man is coming….the Christ child is coming….the Light is coming….

          All our waiting will bring that to pass….

          In the darkness and the silence…..       Amen and Amen    

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About Me

some ponderings by an aging white man who is an Episcopal priest in Connecticut. Now retired but still working and still wondering what it all means...all of it.