Sunday, November 27, 2022

Waiting to know

 Though Advent is all about "waiting"--waiting is a pain in the ass.

We learned Saturday afternoon, when Mimi called, that Eleanor tested positive for Covid when they got home from their visit here.

Since they came on Wednesday afternoon it's tomorrow afternoon that I can test. (You wait 5 days after exposure.)

I did church today but sat in the chancel alone--the crucifer and chalice bearer sat in the first row. I blessed the bread and wine before the service without touching it with the Junior Warden as my witness.

In the Episcopal Church you cannot consecrate without a witness.

I wore a mask when I wasn't talking and sometimes when I was and left before the postlude so people wouldn't be near me.

All that was what the Wardens and I came up with as a plan.

A layperson distributed the bread and another the wine.

And I'm anxious, waiting until tomorrow to test myself.

Keep me in you hearts and hope the test is negative.

I sure do....

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some ponderings by an aging white man who is an Episcopal priest in Connecticut. Now retired but still working and still wondering what it all means...all of it.