Saturday, September 28, 2024

Let Nature take it's course....

 We have a spider web on the wall of our tiny back porch between the back door and a window to our living room.

Insects get caught in it and my leaning is to free them. But Bern tells me 'no, let Nature take it's course."

I've come to agree with her.

Though we humans do a lot to destroy Nature, we should let it take it's course.

And do all we can not to destroy it.

Friday, September 27, 2024

Go Yankees!

 My father was in New York City ready to ship off to Europe in WW II when a generous man gave him and some of his friends tickets to a Yankees/Dodgers World Series game.

Being from Southern West Virginia in the 40's, no baseball team was close enough to root for.

So he decided whoever won the game would be his team.

The Yankees won.

So I grew up as a Yankees fan and am until this day.

They just won the East and are on their way to the playoffs.

Go Yankees!

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

I remember.... I used to go up and down stairs easily.

But not now.

My knees are bad.

I hurt and have to be careful coming up stairs.

I'm better going down, but not by much.

Oh, I long for those days when stairs were just stairs and not a problem....


Tuesday, September 24, 2024

A divided nation

 All you have to do is watch a Trump rally to realize how messed up in the head he is. 

Every other sentence and text he puts out is full of lies.

Though some of his rallies aren't full, the people who are there are fully supportive of him.

It's like the Republican Party is a cult not a political party.

I pray and pray that Harris beats him.

If she doesn't I will sink into depression and our country will be a mad house.

A truly 'mad house'.

Friday, September 20, 2024

I have no idea

 Bern's been working in the front and back yards for a week or more.

(She leaves the side yard alone since our pet cemetery is there!)

I watched her do a lot of it but even with first hand knowledge of her work, I have no idea what she's doing!

She shears branches and cuts them up.

She digs up plants and cuts them up.

She removes things and cuts them up.

Today I counted and found 10 leave bags full--those big old bags.

And I have no idea what she's doing or why.

If she goes to the home before me, I'll be living in a jungle before long....

But odds are I'll go to the home first and she'll continue doing what she does in the yards.

And I'll be so demented I won't wonder what she's doing....

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

What happened?

 A totally deranged man who once voted for him was on his Golf Course to try to shoot him, kill him?

It was a weird thing.

Just like T and V are weird.

Very strange.

And Vance blamed Democrats for it?

And with all the vile things they are saying about Kamala, they say Democrats should watch what they say????

Weirder and weirder every day....

Monday, September 16, 2024

Going to the doctor

I went to my primary care doctor today.

She outweighs me by about 80 pounds, but is competent.

I'm pretty fit for a 77 year old man who grew up in West Virginia and smokes and drinks white wine.

Go figure.

My vital signs are really good.

My mind in not so good.

I forget things.

Today, after I fixed my lunch, I left the burner on. Bern caught it though it was on low.

Shame on me.

But I want to live a while. 

Next year is Bern and mine 55th anniversary.

She was 20 and I was 23.

So we've been married to nearly 2/3 of our lives.

Imagine that....


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About Me

some ponderings by an aging white man who is an Episcopal priest in Connecticut. Now retired but still working and still wondering what it all means...all of it.