Monday, March 6, 2023

How much trouble is FOX News in?

Murdock testified that Fox News anchors lied about the election fraud the former President claimed happened.

Internal emails and voice mails reveal that those reporters knew they were lying but were doing so to keep up ratings.

How can Fox News even be called 'news'.

They should rename the channel "Fox Misinformation."

I hope they have to pay all that money to Dominion voting machines and have to lay off staff or even go off the air.

Such horrible things they say on that channel.

I know, not because I ever watch it, but I do watch Steven, Jimmy, Jimmy and James (three of whom I share a name with!) on Youtube and they show lots of Fox clips.

Run them out of town, I say!

But there are other Right-Wing stations as well.

Alas and alack. 

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some ponderings by an aging white man who is an Episcopal priest in Connecticut. Now retired but still working and still wondering what it all means...all of it.