Friday, August 30, 2024

Weird stuff I do

 I know both our front and back stairs in the house have 13 steps--yet I count them every time.

It's 22 steps from our front door to my car--and I count them every time.

I tear off random toilet paper and fold it up--if it comes out even, I win. If not, I lose.

I back out of the driveway--though there's lots of room to turn around.

I eat biscuits and gravy every breakfast--turkey sausage, by the way.

Every time I go to Trinity Church, Milton, I check the mileage on my trip. It's always 31.

I don't put on my stole until I'm in church and take it off after the recessional and carry it around to hear the after service music by our great musician, MF.

I re-read books by David Rosenfelt--my favorite author.

I shave my neck on Wednesdays and Saturdays--never any other day.

Lots of other weird stuff too--won't mention them here....

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Bible Study

 We're reading Romans, which fills the room with questions.

Circumcision vs. not. Righteousness vs. Law. Even what 'reckon' means which Abraham was 'reckoned righteous'.

Outlining Paul's reasons for what he writes is my job--and not an easy one!

We only read two chapters today because there were so many questions and lively discussion.

Just what Bible Study should be....

Monday, August 26, 2024

Just what I think

 Donald Trump is dangerous and crazy and should be in jail or an insane asylum.

Evangelicals who support him don't understand Christianity.

Everyone is equal in our society--those who have millions and those who have nothing. We have to find ways to 'truly make them equal'.

Dogs are better companions than most human beings.

If I didn't celebrate and preach, I'm not sure I'd go to church (that's painful to admit.)

Kamala and Tim are people I'll be proud to vote for.

Democracy is fragile and must be protected at all costs.

The Yankees are the best in baseball. (I've rooted for them all my life. My father and a few friends were in NYC waiting to ship out for WW II and some people gave them tickets to a Yankees/Dodgers World Series game and my father decided which ever team won would be 'his team'. Guess who won....)

My wife does too much for us and I do too little--but we are both ok with that.

Just a few of the things I think.

Feel free to disagree....


Sunday, August 25, 2024

Church today

 The drive to Milton was fine. I used my cane during the service.

Michael Ford, the Music Director with a bad knee, even faked a cane fight that Bill took a picture of and published it in Trinity's newsletter today!

I feel quite a bit better than I did Friday.

Still pain but not as bad.

I move around quite well.

Getting into and out of bed is the worst. The doctor told me to elevate my head, but I can't sleep like that.

As time passes, it will all get better.

I pray!

Friday, August 23, 2024

Boy it hurts!

 Wednesday I tripped and fell on my left side in our TV room.

I hit my left wrist and it bled overnight but was fine the next morning.

But I hit my left side and today went to Urgent Care and discovered I had fractured a rib.

Boy it hurts!

I have patches for it and will take Aleve and be better they tell me in 2 or 3 weeks.

Great! Two or three weeks of pain.

When I'm sitting--like now--it doesn't hurt.

But movement hurts.

And I'm walking with a cane to cushion my left side.

Ah, Well--I'm getting old. Things happen.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024


Great first day--but they have to control the time more!

Biden wasn't on until I'd been asleep for two hours.

Hope tonight goes better.

I want to go to bed and not wait for it to end.

Want to hear Barack Obama though....


Sunday, August 18, 2024

Such Rain

It rained so hard this morning  that I was sorry to be driving to Trinity Church in Milton.

By the time I got onto I-84 and Route 8 and then 254 my wipers were on full speed and I still couldn't see well.

It usually takes me 30 minutes--today it took 45.

The drive home was no better.

And going to Big Y at 5'30 and back was no better.

Rain, Rain, go away....

And still it rains.

Getting Brigit to go out tonight will be a challenge.

Alas and alack.



Wednesday, August 14, 2024

what we want not what we get.

I want world peace--and two horrible wars are going on.

I want a stable democratic nation--and Donald Trump is running for President.

I want a world worth living in--and climate change is making that more and more difficult.

I want a lot I can't have.

That's just the beginning of the list....

Sunday, August 11, 2024


Our dog, Brigit, chases stuff in our back yard.

She chases squirrels, rabbits and a ground-hog or two.

I like that.

She never catches them and does no damage but I think she makes them think twice about coming in our yard.

But she's started chasing birds as well.

I don't like that.

I love birds and want them in our yard.

Birds are off limits, Brigit!


Saturday, August 10, 2024

no church tomorrow

 My contract only allows me to do 3 Sundays a month at Trinity. Milton.

Tomorrow is my Sunday off this month.

I jokingly said at a Wednesday Bible Study at Trinity that "I keep working even though retired because if I wasn't celebrating I wouldn't go to church."

People laughed.

But I long ago realized that jokes are often ways to tell an uncomfortable truth.

That's what that one is.

On my Sundays off I either take a supply job or don't go to church.

I'm a priest, not a church-goer.

That may sound like a contradiction.

But for me, it's true.

I love church when I'm preaching and celebrating.

Otherwise, not so much.


Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Kamala did good

The Governor of Minn., Tim Walz was a great choice for VP!

He's who came up with 'weird' for the Trump/Vance ticket.

And they are.

Plus he's military, a teacher and a coach, served in the House and brought his state into the 21st Century on abortion and many other things.

Way to go, soon to be President Harris....


Sunday, August 4, 2024

Our kitchen towel

 We have a kitchen towel with 15 different animals on it and the term to call a group of those animals.

I don't think I knew more than 2 or 3 before the towel.

See how you do....

    *A Leap of Salmon

    *A Prickle of Hedgehogs

    *A Trip of Hares

    *A Skulk of Foxes

    *A Parliament of Owls

    *A Plump of Seals

    *A Bouquet of Pheasants

    *A Squabble of Seagulls

    *A Murder of Crows

    *A Paddling of Ducks

    *A Romp of Otters

    *A Crown of Kingfishers

    *A Cete of Badgers

    *A Leash of Deer

    *A Circus of Puffins

How did you do?

Thursday, August 1, 2024

The Olympics

 Bern loves the Olympics--watches all she can.

I do it on Youtube for the things I like.

I think I'm a bigger sports fan than her--my fandom is baseball, basketball and football.

She love tennis.

Not me.

But still we've been married all these years.

Sports hasn't come between us.


Blog Archive

About Me

some ponderings by an aging white man who is an Episcopal priest in Connecticut. Now retired but still working and still wondering what it all means...all of it.