Thursday, November 24, 2022

"Happy Thanksgiving Day"

 "On the fourth Thursday of every November,

There is something we must say,

To everyone near us who sees us or hears us...."

    You know the rest, it's in the title.

    We had a great one with Mimi, Tim, Eleanor and John.

    The meal was great, as always.

    And the company was welcomed and glorious.

    I hope yours was like that as well.

    Be well and stay well, my friends.

Monday, November 21, 2022

How do we stop the hate?

Hate is the devil's tool. And it's all around us today.

The attack on Nancy Pelosi's husband.

The oppression of Black and Latino Americans and even Native Americans.

The Arizona official who spoke out, as a Republican, that the governor's race was fair and accurate, is in hiding from death threats.

And the LBGTQ night club in Colorado that saw 5 people killed and many more wounded by a 22 year old who hates 'their kind'.

Hate is all around us.

Republicans hate Democrats and the Democrats return the favor.

What we need is a UNITED States of America--but hatred divides us into camps.

The Colorado killings especially chills me since I have a 16 year old grandchild who has declared they are non-gendered.

We have to calm down and listen to each other--listen and try to understand that our differences don't make us 'different' enough to hate.

Come on, America, get over it. 

Differences exist.

Live with it.

Even celebrate it.

Let the hate go.

For God's and goodness's sake.



Friday, November 18, 2022

It's cold tonight

 Not unbearable yet--but it will be.

I hate the cold.

And I hate the former President, who has decided to run in 2024.

I would almost root for him because he would be the most easy to beat by Biden or another Democrat.

Biden turns 80 this weekend. I'm not sure I think he should run again. I'm 5 years younger than him and I wouldn't be able to be the President.

Also, the most women governors ever were elected last week.

That's good news.

Warmth against the cold.

Anything to warm me up is welcome.

I hate the cold.

But you couldn't pay me to move south.

I love CT.

Except for the cold.

Thursday, November 17, 2022

visit to the cancer doctor

 I went to my cancer doctor today.

I don't have cancer but several years ago my blood work showed I was producing what the prostate gland secretes and I had my prostate removed years ago!

So, I was referred to her.

She has a great presence in the exam room and she's an Episcopalian.

One doesn't come from the other....

For the first two years she gave me shots that brought the level down considerably.

But it's been two years since I got a shot and the level has stayed down.

She also apologized for the problems I had in the hospital and told me to let the hospital head know.

I have to think about that, but I'm leaning toward doing it.

She also told me that 2 years ago I weighed 207 pounds and today I weighted 170.

So my weight loss is real.


Wednesday, November 16, 2022

I'm not posting as much

And I don't know why.

I know I back off when not many are reading--but I shouldn't do that.

Only 350 views this month compared to 4500 last month.

But that shouldn't stop me.

Maybe it's the chill.

I hate the cold and wear too many clothes.

Maybe I'm lazy.

Good chance of that!

But I have a 'stay-cation' from now until November 27--10 whole days without driving to Milton.

And Mimi, Tim and Eleanor are coming for Thanksgiving.

Something to treasure and look forward to.

So, I'll try hard to write here more often.

I'm put off today since the former President (whose name, like Stephen Colbert, I won't write here) announced he's running again.

Alas and alack. 

I was hoping that all his endorsed candidates--or almost all--losing in the mid-term election would discourage him.

Looking at 2 years of campaigning by him depresses me.

But I'll try to overcome and write more here.

Be well and stay well, beloved.


Saturday, November 12, 2022

I haven't posted since Wednesday

 Mostly because I've been following voting results and playing Hearts on-line and reading and sleeping.

Things got even better in the mid-terms.

Mark Kelly, the former astronaut was re-elected to the Senate from Arizona and that crazy woman, Keri Lake lost the governor's race. Two for two. Plus a Democrat won Attorney General (the one who oversees elections) against an election denier.

(Steven Colbert, who I watch on You tube since I don't stay up that late said that Kelly's opponent was an astronaut too--except for the tro and naut. You can figure that joke out.)

And gun-toting Boebert might lose in a deeply red House district in Colorado. Amazing.

Georgia will decide if the Democrats hold the Senate. So hold your breath.

And best  of all, perhaps, Fox news is going crazy and turning against the former President and blaming him for destroying a Red Wave.

All is well, my friends, all is well. And all manner of things will be well.

Thanks to women and young people for making it possible.

We owe you.

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

It wasn't as bad as it could have been

Republicans will take the House by a small margin but the Dems may hold onto the Senate.

No Red Wave, by any means.

The Biden mid-terms were better for the party in power than either Obama or Trump did.

Could have been worse.

A lot worse!

The race for my district's House seat is still up in the air.

Lord help us!


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About Me

some ponderings by an aging white man who is an Episcopal priest in Connecticut. Now retired but still working and still wondering what it all means...all of it.