Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Irony can be good

At the Wednesday study group at Trinity, Milton today, we were discussing having a Sunday Service in September to honor a long-time Trinity member who moved to Wilmington, NC and died in May.

Just then a Fed-Ex truck pulled into the parking lot and delivered an overnight envelope.

Trinity has a post office box in Litchfield and doesn't get mail at the church. And, if it had come any other day, no one would have been there.

It was from the man's widow, a lovely letter and a check for $5000 that he left to Trinity in his will.

His two favorite things about Trinity, his widow said was the music and Bible Study!

Talk about irony!

Then, as we were wrapping up the day, a wonderful state policeman came. Trinity had been defaced in Spray paint on Saturday--a Nazi symbol and the word VAR.

The policeman let us know there had been a similar defacing of a bridge in Litchfield, so the defacer is probably local.

Good to know the state police are on it.

Quite an eventful study day!


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some ponderings by an aging white man who is an Episcopal priest in Connecticut. Now retired but still working and still wondering what it all means...all of it.