Monday, July 29, 2024

Sunday's sermon yesterday

 I can't print it because I didn't write it down--I 'winged it'.

I've been preaching long enough to 'wing it' with ease. But this was too easy. John's Gospel for yesterday contained the feeding of the 5000 and Jesus walking on water to save his disciples boat and their lives in a storm.

And when he stepped on  board, the storm ended and the were moved miles to arrive where they were headed.

Lots of stuff to talk about there.

In the back of the church were boxes and baskets full of clothes and food. So the people of the parish feed the hungry and clothe those who need it.

The 'walking on water' part lends itself to talk of sharing your faith and getting others to the other side of the lake.

Good stuff to talk about. I ended with this poem by Mary Oliver called "Logos".

Why worry about the loaves and fishes? If you say the right words, the wine expands. If you say them with love and the felt ferocity of that love and the felt necessity of that love, the fish explode into many. Imagine him, speaking, and don’t worry about what is reality, or what is plain, or what is mysterious. If you were there, it was all those things. If you can imagine it, it is all those things. Eat, drink, be happy. Accept the miracle. Accept, too, each spoken word spoken with love.


Friday, July 26, 2024

Who knew?

 I went for my allergy shots at Waterbury Hospital today and when the nurse I wasn't very familiar with asked me how I was doing, I told her about my knees. She listened and told me the bone doctors might have injections to help me.

God bless her.

I'll call on Monday and get an appointment if between now and then I can remember what a bone doctor is called.

I'll google it.

That should work.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

let's go Kamala...

 The support for Kamala Harris has been amazing.

They raised $100 million in 48 hours.

Democratic leaders have endorsed her in total.

She is ahead of Trump in the first polls.

Let's go, Kamala!!!

Sunday, July 21, 2024

'Bi-Bi' Biden

 Joe is out of it as of today. He won't accept the nomination and urges Democrats to let his Vice-President Harris have it.

I'm not sure how I feel yet.

I was on his side and wanted him to stay in.

But all those high-ranking Democrats who asked him to step back know much more than I do..

They thought he would lose to the Devil Incarnate.

Whoever they nominated might lose too.

Alas and alack.

Bern cried when she heard.

I haven't cried but I've wondered a lot since then.

I'll vote for Kamala or whoever they nominate.

I'm a Democrat to the core.

And I hate the orange hair guy.

We'll see.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Allergist today

 I went to my allergist today--Dr. R.

He's a great guy. Been going to him for 25 years or so.

I get shots every two weeks and take meds.

I have had no symptoms for several years now.

Asthma is not something you want. I'm not kidding.

So, I appreciate him and the nurses who give me shots and the meds I take more than I can tell you.

Thank you God, for all that....

Thursday, July 18, 2024


I've done a lot of funerals in my career--one yesterday.

It was for a woman I never met. But her son and granddaughter said things about her that got the 80 or so folks there to laugh a lot.

Not unusual--laughter at funerals.

It is a way to quiet the pain and suffering.

Doing funerals isn't easy--but you learn a lot about the person and those who loved them.


Monday, July 15, 2024

Untitled Draft

 Don't know what I meant to say in this 'untitled draft' on July 5th.

Still don't.

Ah, not as alert as I once was....

Any violence is awful

 I think you know by now I hate Donald Trump and all he stands for--including Project 2025.

But I would never kill him--no one should.

The attempt to kill him has brought out both sides. Some say it was faked to enhance his election chance. Others say Democrats are behind it.

Neither is true.

It was a crazy kid with a rifle.

Too many of those around.

Good luck recovering Don.

Hope this doesn't happen again.

And I think your VP choice is a huge mistake....

Sunday, July 14, 2024

What did I do?

 When I sign into my blog I get a message that "questionable content" is on it.

What did I do to deserve that?

Was it the blog about 'farts'?


Or maybe one of  my sermons was considered heretical.

Wouldn't be the first time.


Gene, a guy at Trinity, Milton, where I serve, collects my sermons. They're in a folder in the parish hall.

I tried to find him today to show him my sermon--but he had left.

This is it:

"Things that I hate...




     -thinking you're better that others

    -not being able to admit you were wrong "

Just that--about the death of John the Baptist.

Friday, July 12, 2024

A comfortable day

The forecast for the rest of the weekend is Hot/Hotter/Hottest.

Today was fairly warm, but pleasant.

Bern still wouldn't let me use the oven, so  I did chicken and onion rings and sweet potato tots in the toaster oven. Plus a salad.

 It went ok.

I don't 'hate' the heat but that might change.

Did you hear that the Orange Asshole said if he was elected we would "drill, drill, drill"--meaning more oil and more climate change.

He can't, can't, can't win.

Do whatever you can to make sure of that.

Thanks, Jim


Thursday, July 11, 2024

I asked a lucky question

 On Wednesday at Bible Study (we're reading Acts) I asked "who is doing church on Sunday?"

People looked at each other and then said, in unison--"you!"

I had written the Sundays down wrong on my calendar. I thought I had this Sunday off--but it's the 21st I have off.

Lucky for everyone I asked or I wouldn't have shown up and no one would have been ready for Morning Prayer with a homily.

Ask questions.

You may get lucky.

Monday, July 8, 2024

I'm still with Biden

 Everyone seems freaked out with Biden's debate preformance.

Not so many talk about the dozens of lies Trump told!

In my book, forgetfulness is not nearly as bad as lying.

The calls for Biden to step down seem to be toned down.

Who would replace him? Harris, I guess.

She and Gretchen Whitmer would make quite a ticket--but can they beat the Liar in Chief?

Biden has. And will again, I hope and pray.

He's only 4 years older than me--but the Orange Guy is a year older than me.

I forget stuff from time to time--but I don't lie.

I'm still with Biden.


Saturday, July 6, 2024

Wedding today

 Hadn't done a wedding for a while.

C. and V. got married today at Trinity by me.

Great crowd. All the men in Tuxes and women in gowns.

Never had a congregation so well dressed!

Hot but went well. I left out some prayers (don't tell the Bishops) to get us out sooner.

They had two buses to bring most of the guests.

I skipped out on the dinner since I've never worn a tux and never will.

But they seem truly in love.

Let it last, Lord, let it last....

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Strange week

I have Wednesday off this week. And the 4th of July is the next day.

But on Friday I have a wedding rehearsal and on Saturday, the wedding.

And back for the Eucharist on Sunday.

Three days in a row--two of them in the evening and a Vestry Meeting (one of least favorite priestly things!) on Sunday after the service.

I've been retired from full-time ministry for years. Three days in a row is a rare thing.

I'll probably survive, but won't be happy.



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About Me

some ponderings by an aging white man who is an Episcopal priest in Connecticut. Now retired but still working and still wondering what it all means...all of it.