Monday, July 29, 2024

Sunday's sermon yesterday

 I can't print it because I didn't write it down--I 'winged it'.

I've been preaching long enough to 'wing it' with ease. But this was too easy. John's Gospel for yesterday contained the feeding of the 5000 and Jesus walking on water to save his disciples boat and their lives in a storm.

And when he stepped on  board, the storm ended and the were moved miles to arrive where they were headed.

Lots of stuff to talk about there.

In the back of the church were boxes and baskets full of clothes and food. So the people of the parish feed the hungry and clothe those who need it.

The 'walking on water' part lends itself to talk of sharing your faith and getting others to the other side of the lake.

Good stuff to talk about. I ended with this poem by Mary Oliver called "Logos".

Why worry about the loaves and fishes? If you say the right words, the wine expands. If you say them with love and the felt ferocity of that love and the felt necessity of that love, the fish explode into many. Imagine him, speaking, and don’t worry about what is reality, or what is plain, or what is mysterious. If you were there, it was all those things. If you can imagine it, it is all those things. Eat, drink, be happy. Accept the miracle. Accept, too, each spoken word spoken with love.


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some ponderings by an aging white man who is an Episcopal priest in Connecticut. Now retired but still working and still wondering what it all means...all of it.