Wednesday, June 26, 2019

human kindness

It goes a long way--human kindness does.

Yesterday on my day of travel hell, I was in Grand Central trying to figure out how to buy a Metro ticket from a machine.

A young man must have seen my confusion and came over and said, "I have unlimited, I'll get you through the turnstile." He swiped his card and I was in the subway.

I get a little teary, even today, remembering that.

In the megalopolis that is New York City, a young man saw an elderly, confused man and was kind.

In these days of division and polarization and lack of kindness, that act meant the world to me.

Each of us needs to find time and opportunity to be simply kind to other human beings. No matter what.

Try it out. Bring kindness into this torn and fractured world.

It will matter, really.....

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some ponderings by an aging white man who is an Episcopal priest in Connecticut. Now retired but still working and still wondering what it all means...all of it.