Saturday, June 29, 2019

In spite of that....

In spite of our President at the G 20 cozying up to Putin and Saudi Arabia and hinting at a bromance at the demilitarized zone with the supreme leader of the slave state of North Korea, today was a good day.

Our next door neighbors, Mark and Naomi, gave a party for two of their girls--one who graduated from nursing school and the other from high school (on her way to the University of Alabama...a long way from New England!) at Ives Farm on Cheshire Street about 6 miles away.

Cheshire is a suburb of New Haven, Waterbury, Southington, Middletown and a couple of other larger towns.  But Cheshire is also a farm town. There are dozens of farms around. Cheshire claims to be the 'garden center of CT'. I doubt that, but there are lots of farms.

Johanna and Zoe grew from children to young women under our eyes. Great kids and two more to go--a boy 15 and a girl 12, our granddaughters' Morgan and Emma's age.

Bern and I had a long talk with Naomi's parents, who live outside Boston. Interestingly enough, her father and I went to Harvard Divinity School the same year. He later graduated from the now defunct Episcopal Divinity School in Cambridge and became a librarian at the Harvard Divinity School library. Lots of shared memories though we never met there. Cambridge from 1969 until 1971 was a place of protest and craziness most of the time. But we knew and loved the same teachers.

A very pleasant afternoon in spite of He Who Will Not Be Named in this blog being an, excuse my language, an absolute asshole half-way around the world.

Wish he'd stay there....

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some ponderings by an aging white man who is an Episcopal priest in Connecticut. Now retired but still working and still wondering what it all means...all of it.