Thursday, January 2, 2014

The Storm

OK, it's 9:14, no matter what my blog tells you--I think my blog timer is Pacific Coast Day Light Savings time--it seems to be 4 hours behind the reality of when I'm writing. I don't know why, which doesn't surprise me at all since "I don't know why" about most everything in my life.

Which is why I spend so much time pondering stuff. Pondering is the only answer to not knowing 'why'....

But at 9:14 p.m. in Cheshire, the reality of the storm is taking shape. I went out to smoke a cigarette in my hat, scarf and coat and these tiny snowflakes, ice like, were blowing into my face the whole time even though I was under the roof of our back porch. Tiny snowflakes, to me, usually mean a s**t load of snow. And wind like that is a sure harbinger that the weather folks got this one right.

So, who knows what will be waiting in the morning?

I plan to drink some white wine and sleep late after having our Hoppin' John a day late.

Hoppin' John is what you need to eat on New Year's Day below the Mason-Dixon Line and I bought all the ingredients in Baltimore but since we left at 5 to come home, it didn't work.

Hoppin' John is four things: pork of any kind (we had ham) black-eyed peas over rice and some cooked green--kale or turnip greens or collard greens.

The greens are for 'money', the ham is for health (some rich irony there) the black-eyed peas are for challenge and the rice stands for contentment. (I may have some of that wrong, but you get the point.)

That's about all you need for the next year of your life: health, challenge, money and contentment. What else could you ask for?

So, a day late, I am full of hoppin' John and waiting to see what tomorrow brings in regard to the Storm.

Bern asked me why The Weather Channel and the local channel named the storms differently. Our local news outlet is only up to B in the naming since this is only the second winter storm for us. The Weather Channel (which Bern loves, loving as she does severe weather of any kind) names all the storms in the country. They're up to G already and it's the second day of the new year. Maybe this winter they'll get to Storm Zeus, who knows.

I hope you're warm and safe and the power doesn't go out for you. Winter is like this in New England--you never know.

But the wind and the tiny snow crystals blowing horizontally is pretty exciting.

I'd predict a foot before it's over tomorrow afternoon.

Stay snug. Don't wander out in the weather. Have some wine. Relax and sleep late.....

Happy Storm to you....

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some ponderings by an aging white man who is an Episcopal priest in Connecticut. Now retired but still working and still wondering what it all means...all of it.