Saturday, March 8, 2014

two more reasons I should be in the Home....

So, Bern and I keep a scorecard about who needs to go to 'the home' first. It's mostly a game we play but there is an underlying reality about it. And, truth be known (and the Truth Will set you free, but first it will piss you off...) Bern's way ahead. I do stuff almost daily that indicates I'm not at all self-sufficient. What weighs against her is that she, every week or so, doesn't realize what day it is. Being lost in time is 'going to the Home stuff' I think.

But last night and today two Home-ward-bound things I did. (That sounds a bit like Yoda talking.)

First of all, I started the dishwasher after dinner and then watched some TV and did some emails and blogged a bit and looked at the news that interested me and took the dog out for the last time. It was nearly midnight after all that and the dishwasher was done and I put the dishes and cups and glasses and silverware away.

This morning, when I got up, the dishwasher was running again. I hadn't noticed that the soap holder hadn't opened and though the dishes got washed in super hot water, they weren't clean enough for Bern. We had words about that before I went into my default mode of apologizing profusely. (I think all the stuff--suffused in hot water--were clean 'enough'. But not clean 'enough' for Bern. So I slinked away.

Then, this afternoon, wearing a sweater Bern thinks I should throw away since it has lots of holes and extremely frayed sleeves, I went out to light a cigarette and set the frayed cotton on fire on my right sleeve. I got it out without burning to death and wiped it on a clump of ice that just won't melt on the deck, but I knew if she'd seen that my list of  'home worthy' offenses would grow.

She doesn't know about the sweater fire, so don't tell her.

I'm only a heart-beat from the home as it is....

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some ponderings by an aging white man who is an Episcopal priest in Connecticut. Now retired but still working and still wondering what it all means...all of it.