Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Thinking of Mommy

I've been thinking of my mother today.

Marion Cleo Jones Bradley.

I'm half-Jones, not surprising for the southernmost county in West Virginia. Lots of Jones', Smiths', Browns', Terry's and other common names there. Spencer, LaFon, Davis, to name a few others.

Cleo had a master's degree in education and taught, mostly first grade.

She had earned her education by going part-time to Concord College, one county over. And Bluefield State College, over to the East too.

A friend told me recently that Concord College was now a university. I had trouble believing him, but he swore that it was true.

I don't have a lot of memories of my mother.

I do have a black and white photo I keep on the bookcase to the left of me as I type.

My father is in an easy chair and my mom is on the right arm and I am on the left one.

I must have been 10 or 11. A little goofy looking (which I probably still am!) my mom and I are smiling and my father wasn't. (Seldom did.)

Above us is a painting of a Collie dog calling out in the snow over an injured lamb.

Behind where I keep the photo is the same painting--a bit larger.

I must have bought it from a memory of our apartment when I was growing up.

My mom was a sweet and gentle woman.

She died when I was in college. She was only 63.

I have fond memories of her, but very few....


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some ponderings by an aging white man who is an Episcopal priest in Connecticut. Now retired but still working and still wondering what it all means...all of it.