Sunday, February 26, 2023

Costco and Footprints

  I use a VISA card from Costco for most things I buy.

In Feb. of each year, they send you a check for some % of what you bought on their card. This year we got $314.73.

So, today, we journeyed to Costco in Waterbury, something I do not like doing.

I have a mild case of agoraphobia--fear of open places. After all I grew up in the mountains of West Virginia where the space between the mountains is barely wide enough to have a few houses, a 2 lane highway and a train track.

I don't know if you've ever been to a Costco, but it is a sprawling open space.

The ceiling is 30 feet high and the store is a couple of football fields put together.

So I get anxious there.

We had a cart almost the size of a VW bug from back in time and Bern had a list for things to buy in bulk.

She filled the cart!

It took four trips for both of us to empty my car's trunk of all the stuff we bought--no bags at Costco--they'd be of no use.

I got only $120 in cash when we were checked out.

This was on a Sunday I had off from church and we were worshiping at the altar of consumerism.

On a lighter note, the day before, a day of cold weather and a dusting of snow. I was on the back porch and looking down at the steps from the side of our house up to our back deck.

Two sets of foot prints in the frozen snow--Bern and our dog, Brigit.

They always leave on walks from the front door and come back to the back deck.

It moved my heart to see the prints of two creatures I love so much.

Costco and footprints--two very different experiences.


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some ponderings by an aging white man who is an Episcopal priest in Connecticut. Now retired but still working and still wondering what it all means...all of it.