Tuesday, October 27, 2020


(a poem I wrote for my Daughter Mimi and her husband Tim on their wedding day--which I had the joy and wonder to preform in NYC)




Not just an occupation,

though that is the usual definition.

Oh, no, more than that, much more.


“Profession” as a verb, not a noun,

is wondrous indeed.

To avow, to declare, to promise--

“profession” leads into all sorts

of nonsense and wonderment and joy.


To actually 'say so' about

what your lives will be and consist of

and contain.


To 'profess' opens up the possibility

of a future you speak into being.

A future that wouldn't have happened

otherwise, until you spoke it.


Few people in the world

make such a 'profession'--

speak a future and a life

into being like that.


And today you two do.


Astonishing, memorable, inspiring,

full of being and hope and wonderment.

Like that.

Thank you for going to the edge

of what you can know and see

and then stepping off.


And I know, as you step off into what

is not known, not knowable,

you will be caught by loving arms

or learn how to fly.



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About Me

some ponderings by an aging white man who is an Episcopal priest in Connecticut. Now retired but still working and still wondering what it all means...all of it.