Sunday, August 4, 2019

And now there's Dayton....

A few hours after I wrote about the mass shooting in El Paso, there was the shooting in Dayton, on a busy street with people enjoying their Saturday night.

The shooter was killed by police within a minute of his starting to shoot--yet he killed 9 and wounded 20. Within a minute.

Within a minute!

Who needs a weapon like that except to kill people?

No one that's who.

A weapon that can do that much damage in under a minute should be consigned to the 7th level of hell---and anyone who owns one should go there too.

NRA should mean "No Responsibility At all".

Guns have to go.

Do Democrats in Congress and Senators with a shred of a conscience have to courage to get rid of guns?

And would the President sign that bill?

I just want to find out.

I talked about El Paso and Dayton before my sermon today. No one is without guilt and stain from this as long as we don't DO SOMETHING ABOUT GUNS!

The blood is on all our hands until we have the courage and conviction to DO SOMETHING ABOUT GUNS!

How long can this be 'normal'???

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some ponderings by an aging white man who is an Episcopal priest in Connecticut. Now retired but still working and still wondering what it all means...all of it.