Monday, August 5, 2019

NOW he says so....

The President (who will not be named on this blog!) today denounced racism and Nazis and White Supremacists even though he's called Mexicans rapists and drug dealers and said there were 'good people' on both sides in Charlottsville (and 'one side' were Nazis) told woman of color to go back to where they came from, said no 'human being' would want to live in Baltimore and has forwarded White Supremacist tweets.

He said it today for the people of El Paso and "Toledo"--no, Mr. President, it was Dayton! Toledo is almost in Michigan. Dayton is hundreds of miles south, almost in Eastern Indiana.

"Empty words," Sen. Kamala Harris called the President's denouncements.

Wait until his next rally and let's see what he says to those who support him without thought.

I have no doubt that his rheortic has freed those on the extreme Right to hate in public as they have had to hate in private until he came along.

We are a nation 'divided' not indivisable.

"Make America White Again" should be what those red hats say.

I've always thought, no matter what happens, that our nation is 'better' than what ever is happening that is bad.

I'm no longer sure of that.

Alas and alack.


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some ponderings by an aging white man who is an Episcopal priest in Connecticut. Now retired but still working and still wondering what it all means...all of it.