Saturday, August 10, 2019

Brooklyn and back

Went down and back to Brooklyn today. On the way down we did what GPS told us to do and it took a little over 3 hours to go 92 miles!

We went for Eleanor's third birthday, which is tomorrow. She is so wondrous, even a three hour trip through horrendous traffic seems with it. Mimi and Tim are well and happy. We love them all--just like we love our Baltimore Bradley/Chen family. Neither Mimi or Cathy took their husband's names. Good for them.

We all went out and her parents bought her a scooter and a ladybug helmet at the neighbourhood toy store. She road it home, veering left a lot and then we went out to their building's outdoor space--about half a football field on the second floor and she rode and rode her scooter, getting better every moment. We hugged them all and she was still riding when we left.

After we got to the Whitestone Bridge, I told Bern to turn off the GPS, I was going Hutch and Merrit no matter what that stupid woman's voice wanted me to do! The Brooklyn Queens Expressway was a mess but we got home in just under two hours. S-U-C-C-E-S-S, that's the way to spell 'success', yes!

The GPS's preference for I-95 was our undoing going down.

We usually make it to Baltimore in 4 hours and 15 minutes and that's 288 miles, not 92....

New York Traffic is the sixth ring of Dante's hell.

Bridget was confused about why we were gone so long, but, as far as we can tell, she didn't pee in the house. That girl can really hold it--unlike me!

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some ponderings by an aging white man who is an Episcopal priest in Connecticut. Now retired but still working and still wondering what it all means...all of it.