Thursday, August 22, 2019

jokes can hurt

President Who-Will-Not-Be-Named joked today about 'trading' Puerto  Rico for Greenland.

The response from our island possession was swift and unambiguous.

"Yes!!!" the Puerto Ricans said. "Let us be part of Denmark!"

People started posting "becoming Denmark" kits on line--with some winter clothes and a Spanish/Danish dictionary.

It was laughable in some respects.

But deep down, it was racist and painful.

To trade one island populated by Hispanics for one populated by almost all white people is not a joke: it is how this president thinks and believes.

I know, I know....some people still content, as he does, that he doesn't have a racist bone in his body. But between his many comments about brown people and his recent anti-Semitic views that any Jew who votes for a Democrat is being 'disloyal' to Israel and his attacks on four Congresswomen of color...come on, you've got to at least admit he sounds racists.

Don't you?

And if you don't, contact me and we'll talk about it. Either comment on the blog or write to me at

We'll talk without racist sounding jokes.


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some ponderings by an aging white man who is an Episcopal priest in Connecticut. Now retired but still working and still wondering what it all means...all of it.