Monday, October 26, 2015

Why email is a bad idea

So, I noticed on the Clergy News from the Episcopal Church in CT that Nathan Ives, our new Deacon in the Cluster was listed as being 'missioner' of the Middlesex Area Cluster Ministry, I emailed him to poke fun at that (since I'm the 'interim" 'missioner', not him.)

But he got concerned and emailed Linda at the Commons (the diocesan headquarters) to get it right.

It was perfectly 'right' from the beginning. I take nothing personal, nothing, I just thought it was humorous. But now it becomes an issue.

NEVER, EVER use email to truly communicate anything besides dates and times.

I've often had email be the Evil One on many occasions because email cannot convey skepticism or irony and most everything I say is either skeptical or ironic.

Perhaps, you might say, I should be more concrete and factual in email. And I should. But I am prone to skepticism and irony and don't know how to convey that from a keyboard.

Anything that isn't factual and concrete should never be conveyed by email. That's what I believe and am convinced of, by the way.

I've know so many email wars--my own and others--that ensued because email can't convey subtlety and nuance in any way.

Email me about when and where we are to meet. That will work. Or what time to call you. That will work. But don't try to go beyond place and time and fact in an email.

It will always end in horror. Seriously.

And never, ever try to be funny or ironic in an email. I can guarantee you that won't work. Never. Ever.

Email is a bad idea, truly.

Maybe me should revert to phones and since you can't see anyone on a phone, revert to doing anything of import face to face.

That I could agree to and applaud.

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some ponderings by an aging white man who is an Episcopal priest in Connecticut. Now retired but still working and still wondering what it all means...all of it.