Saturday, May 14, 2016

Pentecost sermon I won't give

 I was looking at old Pentecost sermons on my computer and this one came up. It's not the one I'll preach tomorrow, though it's worth it. But it's worth a view. Let the fire fall and the wind blow. Wear red.....

          Fear always says “no”.
          If you’re going to remember anything I say this morning—remember this: FEAR ALWAYS SAYS “NO.”
          And remember this as well: GOD SAYS “YES” TO US….
          Jesus’ friends were gathered in the same room they’d been using to hide. How many were there isn’t clear. The book of Acts says 120—though that number may be high. They huddled together, still frightened that the Temple authorities might be after them, still grieving in some way—though they had seen the Risen Lord time and again—and, most…most of all, terribly, wrenchingly lonely.
          Jesus had promised them they would be clothed in power. Jesus had promised them he would send an Advocate to be with them. Jesus had promised them they would be baptized in Fire. Jesus had promised them he was already preparing a place for them.
          But the promises seemed like so much pie crust to the disciples. They were still waiting for the promises to be fulfilled. They were frightened. And they were so lonely—so profoundly lonely.
          That image…that metaphor…that paradigm of being crowded into a lonely, frightening room rings true for us today.
           Fear haunts us these days. And though we huddle together in our fear, we are still so profoundly lonely. Fear speaks but one word and that word is “NO”.
          Our faith teaches us to be hospitable to strangers—but our Fear says “no” and we distrust those who are different from us and seek to keep people from Mexico and Muslims out.
                   Our faith teaches us that we are to be peacemakers—but our Fear says “no” and we demonize people half-a-world away and wage deadly war against them.
          Our faith teaches us to share our gifts with those in need—but our Fear says “no” and we live in the richest nation in the history of human kind where the gap between the rich and the poor gets wider every day.
          Our faith teaches us that “a little child shall lead us” and that we must become like children to enter the Kingdom of God—but our Fear says “no” as millions of children go underfed, undereducated and neglected in our midst.
          Remember this: Fear always says “NO”.
There is no easy or simple way to explain it, what happened in that closed and fearful room on the first Pentecost—it happened like this: one moment the room was full of fear and the next moment the room was full of fire and a mighty wind fanned the flames until the fear was burned away and all that was left was hope and joy and those formerly frightened people “found their voices” and left their hiding place and spoke words that transformed the world.
We need the Fires of Pentecost to burn away our fears and the Winds of Pentecost to blow away our loneliness. We need the Spirit to give us our voices so we may proclaim the “Yes” of God to this world.
Fear always says “NO”—but God always says “Yes”….
We need a Pentecost. We need to know that God says “Yes” to us. That God calls us to wonder and joy and love and compassion and hospitality. And not just in the “big things”—God’s “Yes” to us is about “little things” too. God’s “Yes” to us is global, universal, total.
This is a poem by Kaylin Haught titled God Says Yes to Me. It is a Pentecost poem, whether she knew it or not.
I asked God if it was okay to be melodramatic
          and she said yes
          I asked her if it was okay to be short
          and she said it sure is
          I asked her if I could wear nail polish
          or not wear nail polish
          and she said honey
          she calls me that sometimes
          she said you can do just exactly what you want to
          Thanks God I said
          And is it even okay if I don’t paragraph
          my letters
          Sweetcakes God said
          Who knows where she picked that up
          What I’m telling you is
          Yes Yes Yes
          What Pentecost is about is God saying “Yes” to you and you and you and you and you and all of us.
          What Pentecost is about is the Spirit coming so we are never, ever, not ever lonely again.
          What Pentecost is about is Fire burning away Fear.
          What Pentecost is about—and listen carefully, this is important—Pentecost is about God saying to you and you and you and you and you and all of us:
          Sweetcakes, what I’m telling you is Yes Yes Yes.

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some ponderings by an aging white man who is an Episcopal priest in Connecticut. Now retired but still working and still wondering what it all means...all of it.