Thursday, December 31, 2020

Happy, Happy....

Have the happiest of New Years

2021 can't possibly be as bad as 2020 was.

Biden will be president.

Normal will again be 'normal'.

By the end of the year, Covid will be defeated.

I won't be up to see the ball drop in Times Square.

Bern goes to bed before me, but I'm usually in bed by 10:30 or so. I sleep a lot thee days. I'm on a drug called Leuprolide. I had my prostate gland removed years ago. But my PSA was 10.0 about a year ago so my urologist sent me to an oncologist.

Leuprolide has brought my PSA down to 0.01 and scans have detected no cancer. But a side effect of the drug is needing more sleep.

Which I do, every night.

Bern took the ornaments and lights off our Christmas tree this morning. It is a superstition from either her Hungarian mother or Italian father that the Christmas Tree must be bare before the new year or there will be bad luck.

This year had enough bad luck, so she wanted to make sure the tree wouldn't cause more.

I don't buy the superstition but decided it was a good thing to do.

Be well and stay well, my blog friends.

Have a Happy, Happy One....

(all opinions here are mine and mine only)



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some ponderings by an aging white man who is an Episcopal priest in Connecticut. Now retired but still working and still wondering what it all means...all of it.