Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Some stuff

 Liz Cheney is gone from leadership thanks to the former President and his choke-hold on the GOP. Republicans are slip-sliding away following their Czar rather than Truth.

The oil pipeline that was hacked is running again but people in the south-east were running out of gas. Cyber-hacking is an enormous problem that must be addressed soon and with power.

Still a chilly May in CT but next week we'll be in the 70's every day. I can't wait. I'm still wearing two or three long sleeve layers.

Did you know the US has a D- rating for infrastructure--yet Republicans are doing all they can to block Biden's plan?

Roads are being repaired in Cheshire. I guess my tax dollars are paying for that. But Cheshire, if you go north down Rt. 10 has dozens and dozens of well hidden major businesses. So, property taxes here are less than in most CT towns and cities.

We're going to Long Beach, NC in August. We couldn't go last year so it's wondrous. Bern and me, Jack, Sherry and Robbie, Mimi, Tim and Eleanor and John. We usually go in September, so it will be hotter and more crowded that we're use to--but we have rented a brand new 7 bedroom, 5 bath house right on the beach. Will be great!!! Four of our closest friend. Our daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter. What could be better.

I'm preaching at Trinity in Milton on Sunday. My sermon is done--on a Wednesday for goodness sake! I'll post it in a couple of days.

All is well and all is well and all manner of things will be well.


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some ponderings by an aging white man who is an Episcopal priest in Connecticut. Now retired but still working and still wondering what it all means...all of it.