Sunday, September 9, 2018

You Couldn't Make It Up

Our trip to Oak Island was so great you couldn't have made it up.

Close friends.

Perfect weather.

An ocean only a little more wavy than a lake.

Great food. "The Big Fish"--a stuffed Red Snapper as the highlight.

Wine and beer and bourbon for those interested.

Lots of books to read.

Mimi and Tim and most of all, 2 year old Eleanor.

Silence and laughter.

No watching TV news!!!

A kite that went so high it ran out all it's string--300 feet at most.

Pelicans every morning and evening.

Gulls and sand-pipers a plenty.

No bugs except sweet singing ones.

The sound of ocean all the time.

A wondrous house with fine A/C.

Nobody on the beach after Labor Day.

How good could it be?

So good you couldn't make it up....

Glad to be home but full of memories and these memories last....

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some ponderings by an aging white man who is an Episcopal priest in Connecticut. Now retired but still working and still wondering what it all means...all of it.