Saturday, March 30, 2019

Giving with the wind

(I happened across a poem I wrote  May 9, 2010. The message is suitable for the unstable and wind-blown times we're living in.)

                               Giving with the Wind

Standing on the deck of my good friend's home,
loaned to us for the week,
I watch the so tall trees give with the wind.

Tall, tall, a hundred feet or more,
and sparsely branched and swaying so.

It is Vermont in May. Today it snowed.
The wind swept up the mountain from below
and those ancient pines, moving several feet,
give with the wind.

I drink white wine
and watch them bend and bow and almost dance.

Ageless wisdom, planted in dark soil:
"Resist not. Cling not. Do not rigid be."

Give with the wind. Sway deeply. Bend and dance.
The winds of life, blow as they might, pass on.


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some ponderings by an aging white man who is an Episcopal priest in Connecticut. Now retired but still working and still wondering what it all means...all of it.