Sunday, November 10, 2019

Home again, home again, jiggidy jig

Being with Josh and Cathy and Morgan and Emma and Teagan was great! Cathy's parents even came over for dinner on Saturday night and it is always a blessing to be with them.

The trip down was a nightmare. Stop and Go all the way through Delaware. Took over 6 hours.

Coming home was fine except for rubber-necking for an accident on the other side of the Saw Mill Parkway. We made it home in 4 hours and 25 minutes and had an hour and a half to wait before picking up Brigit from the best kennel ever--Holiday Pet Lodge in Wallingford. I swear, if you have a cat or dog you ever have to leave, leave them there. Really.

Brigit was so happy to come home she hasn't left Bern's side to even eat her dinner. Later, hopefully, she will. It's waiting.

The Bradley girls are so amazing: smart, polite, loving.

We must have done something worthy with Josh to make his girls so great.

But we're home now and I dread getting back into the politics we missed.

But on the other hand, I can't wait.

The possibility of impeachment gives me goose bumps....

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some ponderings by an aging white man who is an Episcopal priest in Connecticut. Now retired but still working and still wondering what it all means...all of it.