Saturday, November 24, 2018

All gone now

Cathy and the girls went home this morning. They had to take a friend they picked up in Wallingford back to Farleigh Dickerson in Pennsylvania so it took them 6 hours to get to Baltimore. Josh is in Southington with friends for their 25th high school reunion, He'll go home tomorrow.

Tim left on the train from New Haven yesterday since he had to work some today. Mimi and Eleanor left late morning and had what Mimi called "the best traffic ever" back to Brooklyn.

They were all smart to leave on Saturday and miss the mobs yesterday.

Bern was so sick she couldn't eat Thanksgiving Dinner with us all and John, our friend, who always comes and is Josh's godfather.

I made her go to urgent care yesterday morning. She has a bronchial infection and is really so much better tonight she ate a turkey leg!

Her illness was the only negative spot in a wonderful time with all our little family--and John,of course, who is like family.

The Bradley girls adore Eleanor and Eleanor likes to tell them "you're not my cousins" and grin. Irony at age 2 years and 3 months!!! Even Brigit, our dog, who was cowered the first day was in the midst  of things the next two days. She even got used to Lara, Josh and Cathy's pit bull, being around.

As I know I've said before, being around those eight people makes me pinch myself just so I know they have turned out the way they have.

Tim and Mimi are quiet. Hardly know they're around. Josh and Cathy are high-energy and noisy. But all four are 'just right'.

And those girls! The twins are 12 but so kind and bright and polite. I thought kids that age got snarky.

Tegan and Eleanor too, so wonderful to have around.

Lucky isn't nearly descriptive enough for our family. Blessed is better.

And I'm so thankful and grateful and humbled and proud. All at once.

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some ponderings by an aging white man who is an Episcopal priest in Connecticut. Now retired but still working and still wondering what it all means...all of it.