Saturday, November 10, 2018

Kathy and Willis

Today I officiated at the wedding of Kathy and Willis at St. John's, Waterbury, where I spent the last 21 years of my full time ministry.

Kathy was a child when I first knew her. She was precocious beyond her years.

As a teen she was one of 10 or so kids I took to West Virginia with two other adults to do a work week helping people who needed help. She was wondrous. Some of the kids were problematic, sleeping in a church like we were. But not Kathy.

After college she went to the peace corps and spent time in Africa. Her maid of Honor is still there and came back for Kathy's wedding.

Both Kathy and Willis are progressives who live their lives working for change. Kathy works for a non-profit liberal group.

They are wonderful people committed to each other and to causes I believe in.

God bless then, I pray.

I blessed them today and hope their commitment to each other and to this world will help us all.

What a joy to be a part of their marriage and their lives.

Often this deal of being a priest is a joy beyond imagining. Thank God for that.

Kathy and Willis--be well and be happy and do good.....

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some ponderings by an aging white man who is an Episcopal priest in Connecticut. Now retired but still working and still wondering what it all means...all of it.