Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Better than it was, but far from fixed

I take heart in much of the results of yesterday's election.

*Connecticut is far more Democratic than on Monday--the Senate in CT had been evenly split, making progress impossible. But the Democrats--and Democratic women--are now in charge.

*The number of minority women of all stripes (Muslim, Hispanic, Black, Native American) elected to the US House is profound.

*Taking back the governor's office in 7 states is encouraging. With our current President, work has to happen 'bottom-up' much more than under Obama.

I actually would like it if women ruled the country. Women, it seems to me, spend their lives 'figuring stuff out' much more than men do. Women are more civil and co-operative and willing to compromise than men.

But, after a conversation with Bern a few minutes ago, what isn't fixed is the racism that is so prevalent and growing stronger in our culture.

I grew up in a segregated world in southern West Virginia. My high school was only fully integrated in 1966, after I went off to college. In a county that was roughly 50/50 white/black--in a state where maybe 7% were Black--I lived 'among' but not with people of color.

There are no 'good people' who are White Nationalists. Antisemitism and Muslim hatred are pure evil. And fear of our brown brothers and sisters to the south is agonizingly wrong.

The House of Representatives is beginning to look 'more like WE look' as a nation. But not the Senate.

It is up to each of us to stand up to the racist/hatred of other religions/anti-Hispanic epidemic in our country.

To not do so is to undermine all this country claims to stand for and believe--that all people are created equal.

(Perhaps that the writer's of the Declaration on Independence owned slaves makes that sentiment mute and null and void. But I believe most Americans believe it. And I know that Jesus' command to love our neighbors as ourselves leaves no one out, even if they are different in ethnicity, race, language or national origin from ourselves.)


That's what we must believe in, hope for and strive toward.

As if our lives depended on it--because they do....

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some ponderings by an aging white man who is an Episcopal priest in Connecticut. Now retired but still working and still wondering what it all means...all of it.