Friday, July 17, 2020

I need a pedicure

link to my youtube blog

(All the opinions here are mine and mine alone.)

OK, two reasons it is hard for me to cut my toenails: I'm overweight and both my knees don't bend very well--one from surgery and one from arthritis. 

Bern cut my nails once during this weird shut-down. But I remembered, while she was doing it, how much it bothered me that my mother cut my father's toenails, so I won't let her do that again.

The pedicure place I go to is right down the street. It is run by a family of Asians--Vietnamese I think. Extremely polite and competent. I don't know when they will re-open, but I miss them.

(I'm writing fluff like this because if I got into politics on my blog: Mary Trump's book, the President's Rose Garden political rally, his handling--or not!--the pandemic,him trying to shut out the CDC from virus statistics and school openings, the President and his daughter plugging Goya on line--violation of strict ethics restrictions that the White House can't recommend any 'products'--his latest 'racist remarks'--"police shoot white people too"--thing after thing after thing.

If I started down that line I might offend even people who 'sort of' agree with me.

That's how outraged I am right now.

So, I better stick to nature and toenails for the time being.)


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some ponderings by an aging white man who is an Episcopal priest in Connecticut. Now retired but still working and still wondering what it all means...all of it.