Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Deep breath

The President is in Viet Nam--half-a-world away and tomorrow his 'fixer' will testify in public before a House Committee.

Maybe he'll just stay in Asia when Cohen is through talking.

Well to be wished.

Things are so crazy the last two years that it is hard to focus on what isn't crazy.

Never in my lifetime have so many things seemed unhinged in society and politics.

I've watched the video of President Obama at a Duke basketball game several times, wishing as hard as I could wish that he were back at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Would it be so.

Can we last until the 2020 presidential election is my question?

And what happens between the election and January if the Democrat wins? That crazy guy is still in charge for two months before the transition.

"Lordy, Lordy!" as Lina Manona Sadler Jones, my maternal grand-mother would say.

"Lordy, Lordy!" indeed.

Prayer and meditation are good ideas these strange days.

And deep breaths.

Lots of them.

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some ponderings by an aging white man who is an Episcopal priest in Connecticut. Now retired but still working and still wondering what it all means...all of it.