Monday, December 14, 2015

Traveling even lighter

So, what if this whole Christian enterprise isn't about 'belief' at all?

What if being a Christian is exactly that--who we 'be' in the world, how we live, not what we 'believe'--whatever that means in the end?

I've come to the conclusion that 'believing stuff' is part of the problem. Isis really, really, really "believes" stuff and what they 'believe' leads them to kill people, most of whom are Muslims like them. If that's what 'believing stuff' leads to, I want no part of it.

Instead of 'being Christian' because of what we 'believe', why don't we 'be Christians' by how we 'BE' in the world?

Compassion, welcome, love, hope, generosity, openness, engagement, trust, healing, feeding, comforting--those are the way to 'be' in the world that would qualify as 'being a Christian'.

So, let's 'be' those things and forget about the 'belief' part.

I'm not at all sure what Jesus 'believed'--but I know how he 'be' in the world. Don't make me type those words again up two paragraphs. Why don't we agree to not worry about 'believing', since that just divides and separates people anyway, and just 'be' Christians.

I will type them again, just to make them real: Compassion, welcome, love, hope, generosity, openness, engagement, trust, healing, feeding, comforting.

I'd be glad to accept additions to that list of how to 'be' in the world--I'm sure there are more--but those are a good start to define 'being a Christian' in this darkling world.

Try it out.

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some ponderings by an aging white man who is an Episcopal priest in Connecticut. Now retired but still working and still wondering what it all means...all of it.